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Pumba98 Pumba98 is offline

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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 18:10
  • Join Date: 01/08/2011


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17:16 - FI0w mentioned Pumba98 in post [GER/EN] NosTale Chit-Chat
...ust supposed to do something like *(bool*)(add + 0xCC) = 1; to enable player for example Edit : oh you said read, mb Yea but i succeed in a bit different way (thanks to Pumba98 :handsdown: )
04:03 - SatoSun mentioned Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Pumba98 links no longer work :(
21:20 - Skunek11 mentioned Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Pumba98 Don't work anymore?
20:21 - PacksService mentioned Pumba98 in post [BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat need to have in mind that it is not a product created for people willing to place more than +10 bots on single computer, as it is not clientless (and it is inferior to Pumba98 NoC which sadly has been cancelled in development). There is no proxy function, so you basically need to do it on your own via Proxifier / other shit, there is no return-by-am...
18:55 - Kravos mentioned Pumba98 in post NTGManager - NosTale Geometry Manager
...k you need some more posts idk lol. Dec 2010 should be old enough. Too sad that you didn't implement any import method but nice anyway. Maybe you can share information with Pumba98
21:22 - FI0w mentioned Pumba98 in post [Release] NosTale Item Tool
First of all Thanks to Pumba98 who still support my work love you <3 And second new version is planed I hope I can finish the rework with better core features like re-add own items in new client version wi...
17:49 - Zanouu mentioned Pumba98 in post [GER/EN] NosTale Chit-Chat
Pumba98 > FI0w :kappa:
00:14 - FI0w mentioned Pumba98 in post [GER/EN] Client Modding
... Add full new Item(with Sprites done by client and Icons done by Google because i'm uncreative as hell) Sorry. I forgot it tomorrow all will come. I'm so sorry :C Thanks to Pumba98 to remind me
20:45 - Deleted Posts
09:13 - Sevendes mentioned Pumba98 in post How to add own items OpenNos?
Editieren geht mit deinem neuen tool. Btw die neuste Version ist dir echt gut gelugen Pumba98 Weißt du auch zufällig wo ich den Upgrade effekt finde? Also das automatisch generert wird um der waffe? Bzw dasselbe bei den Flügeln wie bei Erzdämi und Engel wird auch auto...
18:44 - Sevendes mentioned Pumba98 in post How to add own items OpenNos?
Pumba98 die frage ist nun wie ich z.b Sage das item bekommt die textur zugewiesen etc
17:34 - Sevendes mentioned Pumba98 in post How to add own items OpenNos?
GGGGame i already format it in .NOS Pumba98 Yea i use OnexExplorer. (Ich glaube du konntest ja Deutsch? Kennst du ein tool das es schon kann?)
05:33 - 0Lucifer0 mentioned Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Pumba98 it seems like this only work with old auth. starting with gf doesn't even try to connect to the launcher. Are you planning to add this feature in the future ?
16:04 - Irelia<3 mentioned Pumba98 in post Vendetta Clientmods
Pumba98 Danke dir sehr für das OneX Update
00:16 - Irelia<3 mentioned Pumba98 in post Vendetta Clientmods
Pumba98 du hast vergessen das er bei jeder datei die Exportiert ist. ohne PNG zu Speichern also braucht er ein extra programm der die .png replaced in nix.
18:55 - ~Teiko~ mentioned Pumba98 in post Vendetta Clientmods
There is no way for replace more image on the same time? I change a bit the Blade sprize but replace it all is rly so much D: 310 files xD 294582 Pumba98 we need it :D
17:32 - InnoTx mentioned Pumba98 in post Help with Change the Design???
... benutze es aber Wie gesagt bei dir geht es bei mir nicht iwie wenn ich drauf clicke gehts aus sieht man ja beim Gyazo link .... :I Edit: Es geht endlich mit dem Fix von Pumba98
23:01 - therealjoly mentioned Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Pumba98 still working for vendetta?
22:05 - nostaletek mentioned Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Pumba98 Please help me. I have got Windows XP 32 bit and I cant load the game now, with new update bcs I have got communicate which says "This game needs Windows 7 or higher" and I ca...
13:44 - doddo978 mentioned Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Pumba98 Hey bro, if i update with creator nostale don't opening please update


15:30 - Deleted Posts
16:50 - Udoni quoted Pumba98 in post [International] Evelyum | PVE - PVP | Official Thread
People really fall for this shit? You get blinded by some nice looking graphics, a wiki template, GPT texts and some public SP reworks? It's the usual unstable server source wit...
19:22 - MaxHelder quoted Pumba98 in post [NosTale] DynZen - Non Emu Private Server Now Live! a Blowa dog here , Toxic like Olympus team
13:37 - Mizuha quoted Pumba98 in post [NosTale] DynZen - Non Emu Private Server Now Live! Kinda toxic but a good summary of the server so far.
15:55 - benip1996 quoted Pumba98 in post How to Reduce Game Resolution
I just tried it, it's still working. You have to put everything from "NosResolution" folder into your Nostale Folder and then inject the "NosResolution.dll" what mean "inject"
14:43 - S2+S1AccountsH60+Gold quoted Pumba98 in post Wer ist der Beste Dev im bereich nostale den ihr kennt
Safe sieht er mein post als joke:feelsbadman: Ne ich sehe hier Garnichts als Jokes ich hab leider absolut keine Ahnung von der Materie. Mir könnte jetzt jemand sagen er sei der bes...
13:38 - FI0w quoted Pumba98 in post Wer ist der Beste Dev im bereich nostale den ihr kennt
Ich bin der Beste :kappa: Trauriger weiße wollte ich genau den gleichen Satz schreiben :c
17:13 -
11:07 - ZaKuHD quoted Pumba98 in post Not recommended
Speaking from experience... I wouldn't let that man access to your server unless you want to have it sabotaged or the code stolen whenever he doesn't like you... Second most commit...
21:47 - FI0w quoted Pumba98 in post Nostale Lizenz kaufen aber wo?
Wert gestiegen? Bei einem toten Spiel mit veralteter Grafik?
13:36 - Roxeez quoted Pumba98 in post Start learning
Hello is this Blowa? Yes :kappa:
18:32 - Limoo quoted Pumba98 in post [Release] PacketLogger
If you use something like NosBota that requires Qt dlls too you need to overwrite the Qt dlls with the ones from the packetlogger because they probably use different Qt versions Ye...
23:06 - Blowa quoted Pumba98 in post problem db
The problem is that the magic number in your gzip header is not correct Make sure you are passing a Gzip stream.
11:31 - Saber none quoted Pumba98 in post [International][PServer]Old Style ReflexTale
Internet Explorer :lul: my opera too found trojan nevertheless it's funny.
10:16 - iotascan quoted Pumba98 in post [International][PServer]Old Style ReflexTale
Internet Explorer :lul: my opera too found trojan
21:30 - SatoSun quoted Pumba98 in post Nostale Multiclient Creator
Sorry fixed Thank you :awesome:
19:34 - IceTrailer quoted Pumba98 in post OnexExplorer - Client Modding Tool
what are the things i can do with this tho? Please read the original post: OnexExplorer is an open-source tool for unpacking and repacking .NOS data files from game called NosTale...
13:04 - _RowLegend_ quoted Pumba98 in post [GER/EN] NosTale Chit-Chat
Was genau ist denn das Problem? Würde sagen wenn es vorher funktioniert hat liegt dein Problem eher bei dSend und hkSendPacket was sich vermutlich mit der Zeit verändert hat? :thinkin...
17:20 - ashing1125 quoted Pumba98 in post how to speedhack wallhack
sometimes you just a faster wallhack :rolleyes: how can i connect you?
11:42 - quba102pl quoted Pumba98 in post Yes
There are people banned on this discord? :kappa: Yes. When u asking administration something about beta test u get perma banned on discord

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