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Kill people with your mount (Passenger mount needed)

Discussion on Kill people with your mount (Passenger mount needed) within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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Kill people with your mount (Passenger mount needed)

Couldn't find anything that was similar to this but I'm sorry if its a repost.
First of all you need a passenger mount (Mammoths preferable)
Next pick up some people that will ride with you and run to the Dalaran well and jump in it.
Now the trick is that you will get teleported normally down into the sewers but the passengers have a 50% chance to get bugged and fall trough Dalaran and die.
Will try to update it with pictures later and sorry if its a bad guide, its mainly just to **** people off while you are laughing.
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