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Easy weapon skill increase with only rogue.

Discussion on Easy weapon skill increase with only rogue. within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

Old   #1
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Easy weapon skill increase with only rogue.

Patch 2.3.2

Checked other similar threads, couldn't find. This has likely been posted before, but I found it by chance.
Get/Make a macro program with AutoIt, AutoMouse, whatever you like, as long as it can spam a button in regular intervals.

Find a humanoid, equip the type of weapon you wish to train, then assign the button you spam to Sap.

Your weapon skill will now increase at the same rate as if you'd hit the mob normally.

Here I'm sapping nagas at Coilskar Cistern at Shadowmoon Valley, works really great since they don't patrol and just sit there.
Offtopic: These guys are great for botting, but you need an epic toon. They need to be killed FAST and they're lvl70.

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Old 01/12/2008, 01:14   #2
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Nice guid
But remove your name from teh screenie
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Old 01/12/2008, 22:08   #3
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Does it work on Regular server?
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Old 01/12/2008, 23:23   #4
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Originally Posted by damaskus42 View Post
Does it work on Regular server?
Is this the PServer section?
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Old 01/12/2008, 23:51   #5
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As a warrior just spam Harmstring, works just like the Sap thingie.

Als Krieger einfach Kniesehne spammen, funktioniert genauso gut wie Sap beim Rogue.
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Old 01/15/2008, 23:51   #6
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Just go to the Guys with the totems in Shadowmoonvalley, they are immune as long as their totems exist. Autoattack them, they wont attack you, and your weapon skill increases. Much easier, and works with all chars.

Einfach zu den Typen mit den Totems im Schattenmondtal gehen, die sind gegen angriffe immun und wehren sich nicht, so lange man die Totems nicht zerstört. Autoattack anmachen, und zusehen wie der Waffenskill steigt. Ist wesentlich einfacher und funktioniert mit allen Klassen.
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Old 01/19/2008, 09:56   #7
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harmstring funktioniert nicht so gut , das macht dmg und der mob attackt dich ..toll

das mitm sap bringt niemanden in combat und man kann schoen afk pgen.

shammy totems in shadowmoon gibts aber wandering mobs die dich frueher oder spaeter killen , oder irgend nen player haut dich um..
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Old 01/19/2008, 16:01   #8
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Originally Posted by N4xu5 View Post
Just go to the Guys with the totems in Shadowmoonvalley, they are immune as long as their totems exist. Autoattack them, they wont attack you, and your weapon skill increases. Much easier, and works with all chars.

Einfach zu den Typen mit den Totems im Schattenmondtal gehen, die sind gegen angriffe immun und wehren sich nicht, so lange man die Totems nicht zerstört. Autoattack anmachen, und zusehen wie der Waffenskill steigt. Ist wesentlich einfacher und funktioniert mit allen Klassen.
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