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Easy way to increase ranged weapon skills

Discussion on Easy way to increase ranged weapon skills within the WoW Guides & Templates forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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Goto RavenHill cemetary in duskwood - look for the hole in the ground guarded by all the ghouls named Dawning Wood Catacombs -

go inside and all the way in the back is a tunnel that leads to another mausoleum filled with skellies - anyway - go thru tunnel kill 2 pathers and when you get to the side with all the Skeletons just STAY in the tunnel and shoot them at will ... they will agro but will not come at you and you will be able to raise you ranged weapon skills easily ..

you will have to deal with the lvl 29 mobs to get there and the two lvl 27-29 pathers once inside the tunnel ...

but once inside its a nice easy way to raise all your ranged skills ... just remember to bring lots of cheap ammo
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1) Go to Ravenhill cemetary in duskwood 2) Find the hole in the ground (it should be guarded by ghouls named dawning wood catacombs) 3) Go all the until you find a tunnel taking you to a mausoleum filled with skellies 4) Kill 2 pathers inside and run all the way to the side so the skellys cant get you. 5) You can hit them and increase your ranged weapon skills easily. They will agro for you but never ben able to get you.

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