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Shaiya Private Server - Instructions - English

Discussion on Shaiya Private Server - Instructions - English within the Shaiya PServer Development forum part of the Shaiya Private Server category.

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Old 04/07/2010, 13:23   #466
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ok so, lemme get this right (correct if im wrong). To make the server public you need to chane the GamePublicIP= in ps_game.ini and ps_gamewar.ini, then you need to get a hex editor and search for the US Shaiya IP there and insert it with your own IP right?

EDIT: Tried to change the ip address in hex edit, but when i save it and run it, it comes up with the error: game.exe is not a valid win32 application...any ideas?

EDIT 2: Ok seems HxD dint want to work for me so i used Hex Workshop, it saved properly and i can run it. Problem now is that its coming up with US Server still and not ours. I did everything i was told to, finding the IP address and changing it.

PS: We are using Hamachi and were a little hazy on it, do we have to do something to make Hamachi connect with our client? And do we have to use the Hamachi IP Address?
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Old 04/07/2010, 18:17   #467
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Hi guys, I admire all your patience from all us nubs... me in particular. I've read all post from page 1 to 47 and tried for 2 days, I followed to the best of my knowledge, but im stuck way back.... When I start the PSM_Server_Mgr.exe, and install, update and Start All, sometimes my session dont even play, sometimes it does, but the problem is it always goes back to Pause within 5 seconds. Also gamegroupe01... I cant even click command even within the 5 sec i have that its open ! Thx for your time guys
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Old 04/08/2010, 02:46   #468
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Solutions for common problems

To get things straight, I'm gonna post the resolution of some problems I've had.


If you use Server Patch Config, you'll end up with this:

# /nprotectoff
error console command write

Changing your server name

To change the name of the server, you must change it on ps_game.ini and ps_session.ini files.


GameDef=, PS_GameDefs, Shaiya, 8CD21AB3BDAA28C1B437F93C1D538FD596E090F149E9B6F9A0F7AF03FB310F0758F92FE235864F70FE9846D77A1B37593A8D4662ACC6F666A6AEB5BFB05A31FFCCC36C655F805218DA6D305ADD623F76B648B5473DC19E039BB9EA97864EE09F3D909ED8C95E794140F302D3852E3B3E0991BAB7B7158E7DAA8D58515B852566
GameData=, PS_GameData, Shaiya, 15820DF37FFD68B04069D2E259F063B716123F1FA32C9F606348717D5C28F6B3D387E53E9359AB39DEFD3C4449828CF211699FC5D8DFA0031A2D902C38F4E141D23E43DD3A8F1A374F8ADD3BF7B33FC1EB2BB320537341C683E3B2435F80D0CCB14ACD6C6E3FFD6BB55127E820AB4A79E688B3E574EB8E5879A6A7C6263BC7F7
[B]GameName="Your server name here"[/B]



[B]Game01="Your server name here"[/B]



Changing your server IP address (Hamachi)

I'm using Hamachi with the intention of making my server available only to some friends. If you aren't using Hamachi in your server, ignore this.

First of all, open Hamachi and create a new network. Make your friends join it.

Then, open ps_game.ini and change GamePublicIP to your Hamachi IP Address.


GameDef=, PS_GameDefs, Shaiya, 561BEF40D0EFD936892547378E630C788E44480F090AC6EE62F56A054BE734C71A028FB55F2A14D1B052AB1BD5705B8F4438810AE6B853BA3E04D5B075D25EEC725A5496C698BA73B031AF7AA0896E2213C9D8235E8F3AE1D26A79734D1860442F222B97CA476512B6A79176C6CE8D65FAA8509EEB091BF00FA79FF0ED93F30F
GameData=, PS_GameData, Shaiya, 344D819245DF0080EAF2090BD822A54CAF115E845CD1D8BFE2A2C14DFE01295C2C425D4202E63C0A4283709850CE34C36248F5E0126353228496C9EFBFCCF082AD7FFEF48A734D488EA11FE7879281525337915FF4AE3D10320EB05DFAD210AEE37BB05F2215B923D509A33F944C96FBFBF4BC007D7173D46BF54D5B6E7A1A55
[B]GamePublicIP="Your Hamachi IP address here"[/B]

Then you must also change it on game.exe file using a hex editor. I use HxD.

Search > Find and enter "". Change it to your Hamachi IP Address.

If you already changed it and forgot where it is, it is located on offset 2A8A90 (Search > Goto...).

Your friends must do the same to their game.exe. Tell them how to do or just give your file to them.

Max players

By default, your server max limit is 10 players. If you have more people to get in your server, you have to change it.

Once again, the files are ps_game.ini and ps_login.ini


[B]MaxConnection="Max number of players here"[/B]
GameDef=, PS_GameDefs, Shaiya, 8CD21AB3BDAA28C1B437F93C1D538FD596E090F149E9B6F9A0F7AF03FB310F0758F92FE235864F70FE9846D77A1B37593A8D4662ACC6F666A6AEB5BFB05A31FFCCC36C655F805218DA6D305ADD623F76B648B5473DC19E039BB9EA97864EE09F3D909ED8C95E794140F302D3852E3B3E0991BAB7B7158E7DAA8D58515B852566
GameData=, PS_GameData, Shaiya, 15820DF37FFD68B04069D2E259F063B716123F1FA32C9F606348717D5C28F6B3D387E53E9359AB39DEFD3C4449828CF211699FC5D8DFA0031A2D902C38F4E141D23E43DD3A8F1A374F8ADD3BF7B33FC1EB2BB320537341C683E3B2435F80D0CCB14ACD6C6E3FFD6BB55127E820AB4A79E688B3E574EB8E5879A6A7C6263BC7F7


[B]MaxConnection="Max number of players here"[/B]
UserData=, PS_UserData, Shaiya, 194361ACE26E4A33C282972B1421F2E09D5115593E326CD1D1D2D7F15DA9D586E6A5CBE96942F48EBBF2C6981FF7041B4E5DA4BF28DBF767BFC771A1E10EE0B5AFF132E8398D52C31C4A040F301E24FC0B00F505A0C3C9A744C3ADA04D048A481134A919A605BB9551CFDCD7845FC2FEC34738AC364282650F95085E88D6ECC4
// Game01 = name, Mapping ServerID, Mapping DB ID(use prev server id)
Game01=Game, 1, 1


Creating accounts

There are 2 ways to create accounts: By registration and by manually editing the database.

If you want by registration, check out sandolkakos topic about Web Registration:

Now, by editing the database, you have to edit 2 tables: GameAccountTLB located in OMG_GameWEB and Users_Master located in PS_userdata.

Go to the Server Management Studio and log in using your sa account.

Then, Databases > OMG_GameWEB > Tables > Right-click on GameAccountTLB and select Open Table.

UserUID - Enter some number different from the other accounts' UserUID.
GameAccount - Account Name.
OneTimePassword - Account Password.
OTPExpireDate - You can put the same date as the admin account.
DelCharPWD - Put "ff" just like the admin account has.
CreateDate - You can ignore this as it will be automatically created.

Then right-click on the line and select Execute SQL.

Now, Databases > PS_userdata > Tables > Right-click on Users_Master and select Open Table.

User_UID - Same User_UID as you put on GameAccountTBL.
UserID - Same as you put on GameAccount.
Pw - Same as you put on OneTimePassword.
JoinDate - Same as you put on CreateDate.
Admin - If you want the user to be admin, enter "True", otherwise enter "False".
AdminLevel - 255 if you entered "True", 0 if you entered "False".
UseQueue - False
Status - 16
Leave - 0
LeaveDate - Same as you put on OTPExpireDate.
UserType - A
Point - How much AP the user will have.

For the rest you can leave as NULL.

Execute SQL and you're done.

Messing up with Server Patch Config

If you ever used Server Patch Config to change anything, you just got into a serious problem.
Server Patch Config is only supposed to be used to start the services and to apply /vchkoff and /nprotectoff.

The mistake is permanent and can't be changed by just editing the .ini files.

You can notice that when you open a .ini file (For example, ps_login.ini) ServerName has "Login01" instead of "Login". This applies to all other .ini files, which ServerName ends with "01", when it's NOT supposed to end with that.

Now that you have messed up with Server Patch Config, what you are going to do is:

Stop all shaiya server services. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to go to the task manager. Then go to Services tab and stop the following services:


You should have ProfNerwosol EP4 files. If not, go here and download his EP4 files.

Get to his folder and then SHAIYA_SERVER > SERVER and copy Config and PSM_Client folders to the exact path these are on your shaiya server. Overwrite everything except the folder "ai".

Now, go again to Server Patch Config and start all services, then apply /vchkoff and /nprotectoff.

And you're done.

If you still have problems, I'm sorry, but you have to reinstall your server once again, and this time, DO NOT mess up with Server Patch Config.
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Old 04/08/2010, 17:05   #469
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Hi zdar..ive done everything you have (with hamachi) but the when i run the client its coming up with checking server please check notice board. its saying it cant connect to login server. The login server has the same ip address as hamachi
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Old 04/08/2010, 19:17   #470
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Originally Posted by adamkoolkid2 View Post
Hi zdar..ive done everything you have (with hamachi) but the when i run the client its coming up with checking server please check notice board. its saying it cant connect to login server. The login server has the same ip address as hamachi
Make sure you are logged on Hamachi and that your network is working.

Also make sure your game.exe has the correct Hamachi IP Address and that anything after that is filled with nulls.


[COLOR="Blue"]002A8A70[/COLOR]  32 30 33 2E 31 38 38 2E 32 33 32 2E 37 37 00 00
[COLOR="Blue"]002A8A80[/COLOR]  32 31 37 2E 31 31 31 2E 32 33 2E 38 00 00 00 00
[B][COLOR="Blue"]002A8A90[/COLOR]  34 2E 39 30 2E 32 38 36 2E 32 31 38 [COLOR="Red"]00 00 00 00[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR="Blue"]002A8AA0[/COLOR]  32 31 30 2E 32 34 32 2E 32 33 35 2E 36 36 00 00
[COLOR="Blue"]002A8AB0[/COLOR]  32 30 33 2E 39 32 2E 36 2E 36 36 00 32 32 31 2E

Verify your ps_game.ini once again to make sure GamePublicIP has actually your Hamachi IP Address.
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Old 04/08/2010, 21:17   #471
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i run "Run "PSM_Server\PSM_ServiceMgr.exe"." and it say i cant install. whats wrong? :|
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Old 04/08/2010, 23:01   #472
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Well, I have read every post, followed every suggestion, researched every link, every possibility & I have come to the conclusion, that who ever made Shaiya was lacking a real concept of the word Programing. This has got to be the worst I have ever seen. Thank you to all who have attempted to help others, but its like the blind leading the blind, those who have got the end result forget about those still trying.
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Old 04/12/2010, 23:47   #473
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Alright, iv seen this question asked, but i havnt seen it answered yet.

Iv spent a while off and on working on this little project, yet im stuck again.

In the server patch config, the X's are staying red, no matter what i do...Iv gotten past this before but cant seem to get it this time, and another problem i had was when installing the shaiya server, it said that the sql server does not allow remote connections, i have went though and changed it to allow remote connections and it still said the same thing. (i have teamviewer, or just reply on here)...ty for your help.
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Old 04/15/2010, 20:14   #474
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Old 04/15/2010, 20:18   #475
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New Server in spanish

OK guys i try to made my own server but its impossible i cant go more the setup of server patch all cross are red.
Then i think in made a Pserver using the Shaiya Spanish version its this posible? this version use ep3, what i need to do that???
Or, if cant do that can Zero explain for what my server dont work?
i follow the tutorial step by step, and cant do to work.
I put the errors message i get when start, so i hope so Zero can helpme.

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Old 04/15/2010, 20:58   #476
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im having problems when i start all server service. I start them and all start but session then i try to start it maually but it dosent work then they all return to their previous paused state. ive googled and cant find out whats wrong
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Old 04/16/2010, 01:26   #477
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I got disconnect problem every 1 minute.
I tried to type /nprotectoff but got problem

# /nprotectoff
error console command write

please help.
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Old 04/16/2010, 08:42   #478
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Hi all. I Have one problem - when i press Control Service >> Start All Server Service "Session" paused. What is it? P.S: Sorry for my bad english
- screenshot
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Old 04/16/2010, 20:26   #479
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ok i got that problem fixed but now im stuck with an osql error
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Old 04/16/2010, 22:14   #480
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Originally Posted by dundunt View Post
Well, I have read every post, followed every suggestion, researched every link, every possibility & I have come to the conclusion, that who ever made Shaiya was lacking a real concept of the word Programing. This has got to be the worst I have ever seen. Thank you to all who have attempted to help others, but its like the blind leading the blind, those who have got the end result forget about those still trying.
the big issue is that there are out of 100 ppl only 1 or 2 who really READ and TRY on their own. the rest of the ppl asks the same questions over and OVER again. even if the questions got answered a douzen of times.

for ppl who made it it just sucks. they had to do it the same way.
I for myself also. I really read every **** thread. Sure i asked for help, but only when i was sure that i searched every corner here and on other boards without a solution.

But from the beginning up to know there are always the same questions.
its like starting all over again for the guys who succeded.

Everyone comes to a point where he/she thinks.."**** off- i wont help anymore" cause its just ******* ppl off.

and i strongly recommend that u use the tutorial posted by ProfNerwosol.
it includes the installation of MsSql (where the MOST ppl fail) up to the first bugfixes of the game itself
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