09/07/2024 |
19:34 - Krad3z3 mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam COD Cheat Providers Xenos can we list my COD Spoofer, for Cheat I am fine with waiting some more months.
I have now +200 active users on spoofer alone without any bad feedback. I can DM you auth logs ... |
09/06/2024 |
21:00 - crankjo mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Xenos Sync does no longer Perm Spoof Valorant check the DC or Website. Update this i lost money bruh |
09/04/2024 |
21:23 - wif mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Hello Xenos, we would like to be added to your list of legitimate providers:
We have a public Pixelbot Software that has proven to be reliable and secure, with its last detection in Apri... |
09/03/2024 |
06:07 - Deleted Posts |
08/31/2024 |
12:15 - shaneyz mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam Apex Cheat Providers Put us up if u want Xenos //obstruction |
08/29/2024 |
11:58 - mrantifun01 mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam XDefiant Cheat Providers change stern to detected Xenos |
06:33 - zombiex0 mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam Apex Cheat Providers Xenos re-released apex recently, it stopped sales previously due to spoofer issues, their was no issue with detection and hasn't been. The product has been UD since 202... |
08/28/2024 |
03:18 - LethalGameSolutions mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Xenos Lethal is back to undetected.
Issue was found and resolved same day. |
08/27/2024 |
14:50 - L1ney mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam COD Cheat Providers Xenos :pimp: |
08/23/2024 |
18:00 - 1337Death's Dance mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Battlefield 2042 Cheat Providers ...till, actively engaged.
Seems like an exit.
Developer doesn't even update their Discord or website:
Xenos , " ANOTHER ONE " HAHA :lul: |
08/20/2024 |
06:28 - L1ney mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam XDefiant Cheat Providers Xenos Advance UD & Stable
Feel free to change the status : ) |
06:24 - L1ney mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Battlefield 2042 Cheat Providers Xenos Advance Undetected & stable, feel free to change the status : ) |
08/19/2024 |
08:00 - ijaz75 mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers I vouch for Xenos you can also add them to your legit list |
08/18/2024 |
20:52 - mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Xenos, anything about adding unnamedcheats back to the list? about 2 months have passed |
08:58 - Wtbybon mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Battlefield 2042 Cheat Providers Zaptine is not a legit provider, please remove them to help some people stop getting scammed.. Literally all u have to do is look in their BF2042 discord chat or the thread he... |
08/14/2024 |
06:48 - L1ney mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Battlefield 2042 Cheat Providers Xenos but UNKNOWN status on us, can`t exactly tell if the chair is detected or any of our features are, anyways the unsafe status won`t be so long in here too
Advance is detected a... |
08/12/2024 |
13:10 - mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Xenos, Would be happy to see our R6s cheat on your list as usual!
It’s extremely easy to install and run, with auto-updates for a hassle-free experience, and high security to... |
08/10/2024 |
06:11 - Willumppp mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam XDefiant Cheat Providers Stern has always been DTC, I have legit no idea why Xenos even put them in the UD list, I can't tell if you are aware of the game has a delay in bans or you're just clueless. Resolve the issue and direct people to actual UD providers... |
08/08/2024 |
13:24 - asrlan71 mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Xenos
GHOSTVALO should be added to the scammers list
here's my conversations with them
https://im... |
08/07/2024 |
13:42 - samealexx mentioned Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam XDefiant Cheat Providers Scammer detected
Xenos |
03/05/2022 |
22:31 - Deleted Posts |
09/06/2024 |
12:17 - Loxxir44 quoted Xenos in post pubg MODE Yes its safe and undetected. Else it wouldnt be on the store.
If you have questions its best to contact our staff team on the discord server. |
09/05/2024 |
23:20 - DeprimereShop quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Battlefield 2042 Cheat Providers Updated, thank you for the information. Gave him the benefit of the doubt while keeping the status as "detected". Put him to untrusted for now. Once the issue clears up with you and... |
01:10 - wif quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Cheat Providers Im going to look into it. If you have any users left that could give feedback on your thread, that would be great.
I will contact more clients to leave their feedback on my post.... |
09/04/2024 |
23:34 - Deleted Posts |
09/02/2024 |
15:45 - Asuraswraith quoted Xenos in post I need help with ban evasion Here is a thread:
In short (easy):
Reinstall Windows (you could also clean s... |
15:10 - jody1 quoted Xenos in post Politik Chit-Chat Lol was :D
Das Partei Bashing durch die Staatspropaganda ist nicht gerade demokratisch.
Häää? Ist doch nichts neues... |
09/01/2024 |
00:27 - Cano36. quoted Xenos in post Forumspiel | Was fällt dir erst ein? Regierung Politik |
08/30/2024 |
17:41 - Asutsako quoted Xenos in post Politik Chit-Chat
Endlich gute Änderungen bei der GKV.
Der Wahnsinn hat Meth... |
08/28/2024 |
13:10 - tarajedi10 quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam Apex Cheat Providers by posting on this thread including a tag of me Xenos. Especially looking for scam providers!
Kuno Apex dd and not available |
08/26/2024 |
19:41 - TacoCatYT quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam Apex Cheat Providers ...list by posting on this thread including a tag of me Xenos. Especially looking for scam providers!
Helite discontinued their apex product |
14:01 - UK-JC quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam ArmA Cheat Providers Added
Please add BisonLegit to the list homie - Bison h... |
08/25/2024 |
13:17 - wastedelite quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam EFT Cheat Providers I only see that you have a Apex thread. Or do you mean Apex?
Apex and eft, we recently released our eft chair. |
07:54 - Bustachrry quoted Xenos in post Accounts with CFT Hours Make a sales thread on elitepvpers. Im sure many might be interested.
yeah true problem is more customers vs stock cant keep up... |
08/24/2024 |
11:19 - Binary Coded quoted Xenos in post HYPEX.TO PUBG MOD ✔️ CHAMS ✔️ NORECOIL✔️ MISCS 🛡️ UPDATED SINCE 2018 ⭐ 1 YEAR+ UD ⭐ We have multiple users using our Mod with ProofCore. At best ask on the ProofCore discord on how to load it. There are a couple of users like Binary_Coded using both together.
I ... |
08/23/2024 |
15:54 - DeprimereShop quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit/Scam Battlefield 2042 Cheat Providers ...ribute to the list by posting on this thread including a tag of me Xenos. Especially looking for scam providers!
Zapatine should be considered for the scammer list. We have been attempting to receive an update from the developers for their product... |
09:20 - cypher quoted Xenos in post Politik Chit-Chat Finde das gar nicht mal so esoterisch.
Ja, der Bruder ist gar nicht doof. Nur ein wenig schizo. Aber wir lieben ihn. Wir müssen unseren kranken Brüdern auf dieser Welt beistehen.... |
01:37 - Asutsako quoted Xenos in post Politik Chit-Chat Wo hast du denn dieses Bild her??? Das was ich gefunden habe sagt was ganz anderes!
Wo es her ist, ist in erster Linie egal. Diese Bilder entstehen durch die nüchterne Denkkraft de... |
01:37 - Deleted Posts |
08/19/2024 |
19:12 - Asutsako quoted Xenos in post Erfahrungen mit Drogen | Drogen Chit-Chat Weil Drogen schlecht sind.
Es gibt da so einen schönen Spruch eines zur damaligen Zeit lebenden Weisen. Er ging so:
"Der Weise lernt von den Fehlern der anderen. Der dumme ler... |
10:39 - Krad3z3 quoted Xenos in post [Unofficial] List of Legit / Scam XDefiant Cheat Providers Not the first big Ubi flop
Remember HyperScape?
So not only wannabe P2C's paste, Ubi is pasting too now :hyperhmm: |
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