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Blacklite. Blacklite. is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. MrKonstantin
    05/15/2018 17:27 - permalink
    Warm welcome :P
  2. MrKonstantin
    05/15/2018 17:12 - permalink
    Alright :3
  3. MrKonstantin
    05/15/2018 17:00 - permalink
    Ludoworks is trash, just like you. DemonRoad 4ever!
  4. Blacklite.
    01/01/2017 00:52 - permalink
    No one wants to play SRO anymore. We could have built an empire of servers and networks if we had enough of positive energy which was going to be essentially triggered by your positive support. Once we had a very very NEGATIVE support, we decided nothing to do that put our vision away and return back to the players' seats. It is simple, very simple. I hope I've explained well and I hope that you got it very well. Thanks for asking me, because I really wanted to clarify this idea. Sincerely.
  5. Blacklite.
    01/01/2017 00:51 - permalink
    Good luck, guys. DemonRoad/DuckRoad/Electus and all the foreign or other stupid servers are not even going to be compared with the whole Ludoworks ERA. Apricis/Olsta/Arcane/OVL/Glory were ones of the best servers, I say, who have ever released during SilkRoad. We've built a large and long road ahead, we've tried what shall be done. But, everyone started to blame us and to criticize us so much, so we decided to satisfy you and shut the whole ERA down. It is very obvious, we're not going to do anything until we got a very huge support that we cannot believe it. And that is not possible, I think that it is completely impossible. People started to forget about it, they began to leave SilkRoad.
  6. Blacklite.
    01/01/2017 00:51 - permalink
    Although we're not very ready, we've barely left the scene. I visit the scene and I can play in one or two servers max in a very thin amount of moment. So, yeah. Take care guys. I won't open the server again to be blamed. Without mentioning any names, there exist millions of people outside who were trying to do what happened to us but they're not getting criticized because the people seems NOT to care about the whole situation. But, I do care about everyone in here, my friend. We were having too much problems of critique/insulting/a lot/etc.. after re-launching OVL. We couldn't do anything about it, we were having hard moments doing things and setting a new host. It was all messed up, so yeah, basically, we shall stop the whole ERA.
  7. Blacklite.
    01/01/2017 00:49 - permalink
    We're not going to open Arcane/OverLimit/Olsta/Apricis AGAIN! Please everyone stop it, we're not going to launch anything again. At each time and every time, we used to face major issues and we couldn't do anything about it and at each time, the whole thing must come to a moment when it must be closed. I apologize, my friend. If we open it again, we're going to get HUGE criticized because they're going to say that we're milking money or we're trying to scam the people. So basically, I'm not going to open it again. I don't want to be called a scammer who had scammed people in OVL, Olsta or even Arcane or any other server. We're clear, we're very clear. And it seems obvious that I don't want to put you guys in a very situation again. So, it is all over.
  8. Blade Dancer
    12/30/2016 23:46 - permalink
    Blade Dancer
    We want Arcane back </3
  9. kemal007
    04/19/2016 01:06 - permalink
    i read your comments on Duckroad sro adversting. I think you are right. Wanna play sro together?
  10. CvejaLegenda
    03/11/2016 23:55 - permalink
    do you want soon open Arcane or OverLimit sro???I want to play good game

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  • Last Activity: 07/26/2019 03:30
  • Join Date: 07/28/2013


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03:40 -
19:15 - Lolill0 quoted Blacklite. in post Congratulations! SilkRoad Online is officially dead.
I don't think that "Player Housing" is something that is possible at all. Due to the fact of a huge scale of a possible MMORPG game. You've to create very very large cities with tons of ...
17:51 - Lolill0 quoted Blacklite. in post Congratulations! SilkRoad Online is officially dead.
So, the only solution, in my opinion, is to first of all, *remake SRO!!* (kinda level-up graphics, which will be something i'd like to see) Secondly, to put some kind of complex-well-ca...
13:37 - Deleted Posts
13:37 - TitanPro quoted Blacklite. in post QueenSRO | 6 years Online | PvP Based | Real money economic system
Great server, been playing here since a couple months after the server was released. I frequently leave for work/university studies every here and there and have not lost any of my items...
07:55 - HisTorY_RepeaTs quoted Blacklite. in post I think it SilkRoad Will be Back Soon
:rtfm: So what if we form some numbers? A small analyse would help us understanding the current situation of SilkRoad Online. No doubt that it's the firs...
09:49 - WickedNite. quoted Blacklite. in post Congratulations! SilkRoad Online is officially dead.
No, this isn't an attitude. It is some true fact, in my opinion. Accept it or not. We've never ever seen one *ONLY* private server who resisted till now. I'm optimistic about it but eve...
15:50 - GFXzoon quoted Blacklite. in post Share your old time screenshots
Hey, there's already a topic for this, I think. Attach the link to your post.
09:02 - icowwww90 quoted Blacklite. in post I Hate Coin System and Job System
You're freaking missed, dear Icoow!! ;) ^^ [I guess you won't remember me xD] Of,course i do remember you, mate. I played 4 Servers so far and they all had the same Problem : Lack ...
23:12 - Mc-Diesel quoted Blacklite. in post Any Suggestions / Ideas for a Pve 120 Server
All the Support For you Mate :) Okay. Here's the thing. There exist three types of servers nowadays that you've accept their existence on the overall. Cap 140 servers. Classic highly-...
23:12 - Deleted Posts
06:11 - Deleted Posts
06:11 - ! MAC quoted Blacklite. in post Any Suggestions / Ideas for a Pve 120 Server
Do cap 119, much better! 👌 amazing :) Okay. Here's the thing. There exist three types of servers nowadays that you've accept their existence on the overall. Cap 140 ser...
02:46 - Deleted Posts
15:55 - B1Q quoted Blacklite. in post SMN Online | 110 Cap | PVE | Not much Edits | Your way to Nudity
B1Q Since Glory and we've learned that fucking lesson million of times in a row! Advertisement, advertisement, advertisement! You gotcha' me? I'm not trying to criticize you AT ...
01:50 - blapanda quoted Blacklite. in post The summary of all servers, i guess?
Since 2011 and you've been right about everything, Callum. Its humankind which is predictable, that every greedy one will act in a specific way, which has been listed here as: Scammin...
00:00 -
23:40 - Deleted Posts
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20:12 - Deleted Posts

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