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12:48 - .Zitrus quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XLI
man man man den längsten gibts ja immer noch :feelsgoodman: Jup, denke ich mir auch immer wieder. :rolleyes:
20:12 - Dr.Toni quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XLI
:kappa: Spam
08:27 - Obilee quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XLI
da guck ich nach gefühlten 10 Jahren mal wieder in den längsten und sehe Obi :D <3 Das Universum hat uns zusammengeführt. wird in 10 jahren noch genau so sein, obi ist epvp Ich ...
03:49 - Looneytune quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XLI
da guck ich nach gefühlten 10 Jahren mal wieder in den längsten und sehe Obi :D wird in 10 jahren noch genau so sein, obi ist epvp
13:26 - ARTHEND quoted exeduz in post Payed work from scratch to testing phase!
6 hours a week really is nothing for any pserver project... more realistic would be around 30-40 hours a week minimum most kal coding is pretty basic and you can teach urself from r...
18:14 - elfone quoted exeduz in post Afk Aoe Farming private Server
one word.. ascetic :D :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
19:46 - bloodx quoted exeduz in post Lebt die Community noch
hello world oh my gosh it's a exeduz - komm mal rz kal discord :D dann ist da mehr los xD
01:18 - TaBaLuGa quoted exeduz in post Allgemeiner Thread für Kal Online / Main Kal Online Thread
that would be awesome, but i doubt its gonna happen :D dich gibt es noch, exeverdutzt? oO
09:21 - Drewfire quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XL
moinsen ;] Waaat, du lebst noch, wie gehts? :jofrly:
01:06 - dacx quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XL
moinsen ;] wadap
00:33 - DerSyntax! quoted exeduz in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XL
moinsen ;] krass schon 10jahre
23:23 - SFX-Cookie quoted exeduz in post KalOnline aktueller Stand
huhu SFX ! spiele auch auf dem Steam Server, gerade eher sporadisch. Wird ne Weile dauern bis die Mehrheit an 3rd Job kommt. Emoogie Kill immer noch in weiter Ferne :p Doch noch alt...
16:41 - dinozof quoted exeduz in post what happened with bango
Why dont you play on steam servers? Its very easy to levelup with quests etc. ...because of the shitty connection. Not important how far they will improve it the dellays will alwa...
23:46 - MrShabalandabad quoted exeduz in post what happened with bango
Why dont you play on steam servers? Its very easy to levelup with quests etc. Because there is no multiclient atm, and without it others have an advantage. People with g75 imp wea...
22:36 - asdfg177 quoted exeduz in post what happened with bango
Why dont you play on steam servers? Its very easy to levelup with quests etc. as i said i played there and they banned me for multiclient. and this daily quests destroyed it anywa...
22:01 - Geleia quoted exeduz in post [SOURCE]HOW TO STOP STEAM BOT
why should they fix anything, server would lose half population then :D but also could gain more ppl. loads of ppl quitted due to this issue i knew a few, i dont have anything aga...

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