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Best way to achieve double sockets

Discussion on Best way to achieve double sockets within the Conquer Online 2 forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Many would think that they would have constant Rbing of sockets, and to upgrade them at certain timing or coordinates to be most effective.
Whilst some others prefer to perform countless trades.


In actual fact few have realized the best way is to get the sockets off from the game makers themselves. These are the various methods me and some friends did it.

Buy double sockets from people with real cash or dbs, and be sure you paypal bulk pack!! Play for a couple of months, buy an accoount that is present in game for ages, then pass a few sockets to that account say account X.

Use that account to sell the sockets for real cash or trade them for dbs.
Meanwhile let everyone else thinks that you let that user "account X" on your account and he hacked or scamed your items.

Email the admins and report hack. You get back more than what you lost.
Repeat a few rounds with different characters. We got more than 3 sets of double sockets and got to make more real cash than what was invested as well

The gms are dumb and lazy When he logged and asked account X about the scam, use account x to say you sold the sockets to others for cash and so on. While the sockets are transfered to account Y. Thus ending in 2 duplicates since account Y is gona be just another "paypaller". Of course, dont transfer everything to account Y, just a few main items that you want to duplicate, while others goes to public and get money or ingame items. (Do a bank transfer between you and your sister so that you will show some "evidence" to gms that they wont confiscate your sockets from account Y) In such cases, gms will replenish will dbs or duplicate the double sockets

In a couple of weeks you get more than 1 set which you started off. Make money or gain dominance
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Old 03/30/2007, 14:16   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Oh theres another one which i left out, another friend was macroing and got his equips all broke by jerks.

What was left was a ring and the weapon, he went to drop them and picked with a noob character which in turn sold them for cash!!
After which he reported to admins and told them he went hospital to visit his parents which they replaced all the items and such. Wasnt that cool?

Dont bother to tell them that the message didnt appear, not all gms take that ****.
Most of them are foolish to give you the benefit of doubt BUT its better that you cook a good story. More importantly PAYPAL!

There is 1 last common method getting less effective, that is turning red and lose items to report scam or hacked! This method is getting less favours from gms because of overly common usage.

Have a great time people GMs are the dumbest guys around
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Old 03/30/2007, 15:26   #3
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