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Achieve the Top Level Fast in Aion

Discussion on Achieve the Top Level Fast in Aion within the Foreign Games forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Achieve the Top Level Fast in Aion

I read a useful aion leveling guide which is excellent enough to help you achieve the top level fast in Aion. Whether you are interested in the end-game raids or gear, you want to find an Aion power leveling guide that is simple and straight to the point. Here it is - a collection of tips that will help you whether you are on the Asmodian or the Elyos side.

My first tip is building a music play list meant for Aion power leveling. Gather your favorite songs, the one that inspire you and get your blood pumping. If your whole mind is in the "fast" mode you will find that leveling will be much faster. Most people go for either metal or rock, but it is really your choice.

Next you want to thoroughly learn about your class. It may seem like half an hour to learn about your class really isn't worth it, but it is. Unless you can tell me what are the best skills for leveling with your class and which is the best build you really need to research some more.

Unlike many online games, in aion power leveling can be done with any class, you just need to know your strengths and your limits. And speaking of knowing your limits, know which areas have mobs that are too high level for you. Losing your character all the time really isn't the best way to power level, so don't try it.

Another important thing you need to know about your class is which stats you need to invest in for leveling. In general stats that increase your damage are a good investment. You need this information in order to chose which gear to equip. Be forewarned though - equipping with the best gear possible can be a very costly quest. Know also when you get to update your skills. Plan your trips to the city when you reach these levels to avoid traveling time.

Another way to save time is by jumping from over crowded areas. If you find that you need to sit down and wait for mobs to respawn because there are so many players around simply change channels to a quieter zone.

But the crown jewel of power leveling is getting the appropriate aion level guide - one that details which quests to take and which to avoid, laying out step by step the optimal route for leveling fast. You may hear some people swear that grinding is the way to power level. But power leveling is about maximizing your XP rate and questing with the appropriate quest path simply beats grinding in getting the most experience points in the least time.

Of course that grinding has the advantage of not requiring much thought or a guide, but if you really want to reach the top level in record time a quest guide is the way to go. You want to look for a guide that details where to go, which quests to take and how to complete them. Maps and other images are also helpful. Don't settle for any other type of aion power leveling guide. If you follow these tips soon you will be on that great end game PvPvE you have been dreaming about.
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