Horse Color (This Program Tells You Your Horse's EXACT Color Values) 10/21/2009 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 35 Replies CURRENTLY: WORKING (Patch 5157)
Alright guys, finally got around to updating and fixing this program... the way it works now is, just run the program, equip the horse you want to look at, and it'll show you it's Color Stats... in future versions I will be making it so u can equip one horse, then another, and it'll tell you what each horse's value is AND what would be the result if u combined them... and maybe even a little further into the future I will release a program that'll allow you to...
WoW Color Hack (Use color-codes in text) 09/23/2007 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 31 Replies WoWColorHack.flt
I'm quite surprised that no one has released
anything similar yet - the theory behind
this dates back to the alpha days. Hell,
I first used this filter on my own alpha