[Help] Errors Adding Houses 02/10/2010 - CO2 Private Server - 1 Replies Hello
I have these errors when trying to add houses:
Tell me how to fix it please.
[HELP]Houses 10/17/2009 - EO PServer Hosting - 7 Replies Sometimes on server donators can get houses with there on person composer or maps and stuff, how would i do that for my server? all help is very very appreciated! :):handsdown::handsdown:
Houses? 07/08/2009 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 7 Replies Is it possible to modify buildings?
As I hear you ppl found out how to edit .C3 files =P
Get into other houses 06/17/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 5 Replies funzt mit dem guten alten "reiss dein kabel aus deinem modem" trick *g*
1. stellt euch vor die tür vom haus
2. produziert lag oder kappt eure inet verbindung für ein paar sekunden
3. nun solltet ihr durch die tür laufen können
4. nicht vergessen euer kabel wieder ins modem zu stecken, is sonst nicht besonders sinnvoll.. ;p
ihr habt ca. 30-40 sekunden bis der server checkt das ihr nicht im haus sein dürft
in der zeit könnt ihr euch das haus angucken oder den besitzer umnieten (falls...
Remove DOT's from Weapons in Houses 02/15/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies I personally know that jedi with Healer powers can remove a DOT off a weapon that is on a wall. One of my friends did it to a POS Dotted stone knife I had on the floor. He promptly went to the guild hall of our enemy and proceeded to remove the DOTs off the weapons they had on display.
He uses /forcecurepoison or /forcecure disease depending on what kinda dot it is.
Tested it with a crappy Nightsister Lance, had 8000 charges before the heal, no dot after.