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Discussion on Houses? within the CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits forum part of the CO2 Guides & Templates category.
07/05/2009, 16:41
elite*gold: 111
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Is it possible to modify buildings?
As I hear you ppl found out how to edit .C3 files =P
07/05/2009, 23:07
elite*gold: 0
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Not edit... they found out how to make new .c3 files
07/06/2009, 07:43
elite*gold: 0
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no, i can edit .c3 files. As in, i can edit existing c3 files, from within the TQ client. Many of us can add items from websites and other games too, and you can fix the orientation of weps that dont line up well. What has yet to be done is a custom mesh from anyone, totally from scratch. Working on that now
And yes, we can modify buildings completely (and create from scratch), that isnt so new.
07/06/2009, 11:39
elite*gold: 0
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uuuhhhmmm dude go do a ict school idk how to write it exactly but there u leurn how to work with game studio i think and leurn how to make C3 files and make weps and stuff here in holland thats year 3
07/06/2009, 13:09
elite*gold: 0
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i will be going to school for it in the fall. In the meantime - i can make an obj, and i can export it, but it isnt working correctly, there is some step we're missing or something we're not doing correctly, in order for the mesh to work in Co. Im sure we'll have it figured out this week. hopefully lol.
07/07/2009, 11:56
elite*gold: 111
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Well, I'll be waiting for you to finish it.
07/07/2009, 20:39
elite*gold: 0
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I released a thread and once a mod approves it will show, it is: How to edit Maps + Files
Sooo you can edit maps and some/most buildings are on the maps or are an object which i also included and they are made in .dds files.
Lol you act like it is all hard, but its easy as hell. If i can make Demon Statues, Dragons, Trees, i tihnk ppl could make Buildings b/c they are usually just on the map or an object.
But do you mean just for show or actually go in it?
07/08/2009, 14:03
elite*gold: 111
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Originally Posted by raidenx123
I released a thread and once a mod approves it will show, it is: How to edit Maps + Files
Sooo you can edit maps and some/most buildings are on the maps or are an object which i also included and they are made in .dds files.
Lol you act like it is all hard, but its easy as hell. If i can make Demon Statues, Dragons, Trees, i tihnk ppl could make Buildings b/c they are usually just on the map or an object.
But do you mean just for show or actually go in it?
I'm talking about making a rather big ''castle'' for a quest idea I have on my private server.
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