...You make an item like a Key for example run that cq_action.
To enter home you would make the cq_action:
If succeed
126-0-"Welcome to your home %user_name!"
If fail
126-0-"You do not have a home %user_name!"
502-[u]ID Of the Item[/i]-""
To make a home you would make the cq_action:
1033-0-"%user_name-Home * %user_id ** *** **** ***** ****** *******"
ID of Item that makes home-""
ID of the item for entering home-""
Then you would continue with the same cq_action id as you use for the key (thus entering the person into their new home)
*-Owner Type I do not know off memory check an example from either castle or shop_flags that should tell you the number to use.
**-Choose a mapdoc to use for homes, an example would be 1000 = the visualisation of cronus/market
***/****-Portal X and Y are the positions you would be teleported to when entering the map
*****/******- RebornMap/portal this is where you would be taken if using for example a townportal town revive or logging off/back in when still in the map.
*******-Res Lev I would not know I think it has always been 0 but don't quote me