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Remove DOT's from Weapons in Houses

Discussion on Remove DOT's from Weapons in Houses within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

Old   #1
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I personally know that jedi with Healer powers can remove a DOT off a weapon that is on a wall. One of my friends did it to a POS Dotted stone knife I had on the floor. He promptly went to the guild hall of our enemy and proceeded to remove the DOTs off the weapons they had on display.


He uses /forcecurepoison or /forcecure disease depending on what kinda dot it is.

Tested it with a crappy Nightsister Lance, had 8000 charges before the heal, no dot after.
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Old 02/15/2005, 05:34   #2
koji's Avatar
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hmm noch nie davon gehört das jedi dot waffen heilen können wtf O_o muss mal nem freund testen lassen
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