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Archeage Mod Pack

Discussion on Archeage Mod Pack within the ArcheAge Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Old 10/23/2015, 02:45   #2626 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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because to me it is still dark and the water from the top was not removed ?, as I resolso it?
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Old 10/23/2015, 03:44   #2627 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Xi.Cynx View Post
I think that this would also clutter the game up, I don't know if it can be dynamic or not, but option would certainly be a must as I wouldn't want to see a billion poles moving around everywhere in safe zones. Lol
Yeah I understand the visual noise part but anyways the original "pack-finder" to find lost packs in the sea adds alot of noises with the packs stored on a land.

ArcheAge revolves pretty much around "high risk high reward" system, and packs are part of it, therefore attacking people to get pack is actually a good method to generate gold. And to me, being able to spot such trafic from kilometers seems pretty priceless ! And like you said you could have options, such as "only" showing pack on the pack of people (avoiding the vehicules' crates visual spam, and anyway most drivers have a back on their back for efficiency) or "only" showing crates (if you want to ignore clippers on the sea for example.

Imagine how rewarding it would be to be able to spot those larder trade runs or being able to actually spot a car doing trades from a far distance to be prepared to stun it.

And no mods are permanent, it takes 2min to uninstall, switch a mod to the optional folder and reinstall the other mods. Just like the actual "pack-finder". When I saw the "pack-finder" option I actually assumed it was something to find packs being moved !
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Old 10/23/2015, 03:56   #2628 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Qocko View Post
Imagine how rewarding it would be to be able to spot those larder trade runs or being able to actually spot a car doing trades from a far distance to be prepared to stun it.
Wait, we can see players from far away? I think I need to recheck my settings or something, as far as I could tell players and boats still pop up on my face, I can't see them from faraway, yet I can see packs and sunken chests from 1 side of the map to the other side.

Are my settings wrongs or something? I'll check whenever I get home in 3 hours.
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Old 10/23/2015, 04:11   #2629 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by iNiperx View Post
Wait, we can see players from far away? I think I need to recheck my settings or something, as far as I could tell players and boats still pop up on my face, I can't see them from faraway, yet I can see packs and sunken chests from 1 side of the map to the other side.

Are my settings wrongs or something? I'll check whenever I get home in 3 hours.
Oh ... I think you've just proved my stupidity hehe, in my head, the pack still had it's own graphics even in a crate or on someone's back. I didn't consider that my proposition would actually imply to see the ship/player from a far distance. How I saw it was : first you see the pole of the moving pack and then when in range the vehicule/player would appear. Just like packs on the floor can be seen from really far away with the mod.

Meh, ty for pointing out the animation problem ! Sorry for the stupid proposition
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Old 10/23/2015, 04:24   #2630 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Isn't that what people call draw-distance? I thought that was server-side and couldn't be changed, yet I could be lying lol
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Old 10/23/2015, 06:02   #2631
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Cynx, Plox will manage don't worry, remember it will be auto-updated, he can even do version checks and such and pull information from his website before enabling any of the functions to work, this way if it gets leaked somehow he can still do a quick update to fuck it up for them, he can make Derp free for a few days to see how it goes and if it gets out of handle he can quickly make it a paid service.

I think it should be paid, I don't mind paying another $5 or whatever for it lol.
Yes, and it's already done but I'm touching up a few things. It will have an initial release early tomorrow and will be a cleaner better setup version that is currently done, but without anything additional right now so I can work out any/all kinks since I restructured this from the ground up and need to make sure everything is accordingly with it prior to adding more options.

I think for the speed, since I can already see it getting very out of hand, I'm going to limit it and just make a checkbox that sets it to a certain amount rather then letting people go all-out with it cause I know people will be irresponsible with it and unfortunately at that and I'd rather it not be heavily abused and get noticed.

I think as it stands, based on what everyone is telling me - that a simple 1-2$ charge for a login for the new version would suffice, but I'm still very 50/50 on this. It has as stated, turned into more of a hack as opposed to what the mod was originally, but to charge for it an not guartnee any lifetime on it doesn't seem fair either, but then again with me knowing that gameguard will not come on the client ever again now, I think it will be interesting to see what they counteract with now that they are not going to use gg or hackshield at all..

Isn't that what people call draw-distance? I thought that was server-side and couldn't be changed, yet I could be lying lol
Certain things can be called/increased from the rendering, but I'm unsure about players or player entities ( boats an shit ) being able to be increased. I know that to an extend you can, but I've no idea if there is an limit the server will allow or if I can trigger that in memory.

Expect Derp up for download tomorrow and login requests being processed and me making my ultimate decision on what to do with it. I can for sure say to you though that Derp with what it's been upgraded into, is well worth it and after any kink working out done, it will be even more extremely useful when climb & speed is added to it. It is unfortunate I have to limit the speed, but I know people and how they get angry an just want to mash everything, so thus I will set it as a threshold for now but it will be just as good as an database edit, not be as abused but still be very useful in every scenario.

Oh and P.S.: Yes I can change the model of a player wearing a pack and yes you can see it very far away as a pole, but it is super annoying as hell to leave on but useful at sea, can add if people prefer?
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Old 10/23/2015, 06:41   #2632 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Make it optional.

What do you mean "limit"? Limit how fast, or for how long you can use it or traveled for?

What I was planning to do was sunken chest hunting with stealth on going fast.. I've been hunting chest for gold for the past week and I'm so tired of how slow clippers are to get to places lol.
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Old 10/23/2015, 07:26   #2633 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Ploxasarus View Post
Yes, and it's already done but I'm touching up a few things. It will have an initial release early tomorrow and will be a cleaner better setup version that is currently done, but without anything additional right now so I can work out any/all kinks since I restructured this from the ground up and need to make sure everything is accordingly with it prior to adding more options.

I think for the speed, since I can already see it getting very out of hand, I'm going to limit it and just make a checkbox that sets it to a certain amount rather then letting people go all-out with it cause I know people will be irresponsible with it and unfortunately at that and I'd rather it not be heavily abused and get noticed.

I think as it stands, based on what everyone is telling me - that a simple 1-2$ charge for a login for the new version would suffice, but I'm still very 50/50 on this. It has as stated, turned into more of a hack as opposed to what the mod was originally, but to charge for it an not guartnee any lifetime on it doesn't seem fair either, but then again with me knowing that gameguard will not come on the client ever again now, I think it will be interesting to see what they counteract with now that they are not going to use gg or hackshield at all..
This will be very interesting. I was doing some testing as well, so see how you could limit how fast someone would be able to increase their speed because I agree with you, it will be abused heavily and many will get caught.

Using Freerunner, Shadow Step, Comet's Boon and Quickstep I can move at 16m/s with gemmed boots. That is moving pretty damn decent as well. I think that might be a good cap to set it at as instead of short bursts of 20-30 meters at that speed, you'll be able to keep a consistent speed of that amount.

On my horse, using the Run! skill and playing quickstep I was able to move at 21m/s which could also be an acceptable limit. I'm not sure how you have the hack coded, if it is % based or flat m/s based. But if you can get it to around that limit, I feel that is more than reasonable enough especially if you can move these speeds with packs on your back or in your vehicle.

I think if it is % based that would be most simple and we can narrow it down to increase the movement speed by 50% max of your current base speed. Obviously you can update this whenever you want with the new system, but I feel like that is a good 'safe' limit to start with and give a test run to the subscribers.

As for the payment system, sure it might seem a bit unfair that you may not get to use it for the lifetime of the game, but people don't pay for long term success. People pay for immediate success and results. If someone pays you $2 for the login and it goes down after a month because of security problems (most like won't but still), they still had a WHOLE MONTH to effectively increase their productivity in the game and made well more than their $2 worth of gold. IMO, $5 for a month seems reasonable, especially if you continue to add onto this. Or you could charge a one time $15-$20 fee for lifetime support as long as the game allows. You deserve every bit that you get and if people are so stingy to not see that then they shouldn't be using this in the first place.

Okay, enough thinking for more, I need to get back to this resource spreadsheet that I took over.
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Old 10/23/2015, 08:25   #2634 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Xi.Cynx View Post
Suspicious activity can only be given out by another player in Archeage. It's not automatically flagged on you by their system. You were not careful enough and someone saw you doing something strange. Be more careful not to get caught.

Same for you as above. Stop being so obvious and you won't get flagged by other users. This application is only as safe as the person using it. Use it carelessly and you could get banned, use it smart and you'll never be caught. Their systems CANNOT detect this though at the current state it is in.

You can go to the Court and have the buff removed, you don't have to wait any amount of time.

I think that this would also clutter the game up, I don't know if it can be dynamic or not, but option would certainly be a must as I wouldn't want to see a billion poles moving around everywhere in safe zones. Lol

Xi.Cynx sorry man but you dont know what they are talking about, this is another debuff given from the server, and i know it, cause i've talked with a GM, and he said to me that this kind of debuff players cant give you, that debuff disable you to everything, you will be in PK mod (purple), you are unable to use skills/open portal/mails/killing mobs, and more, only GM can remove from you... and wait 4h? forget, when you try to log again it will be there again xD i know i've been there, and @Plox i was banned hours later after they remove my debuff loool but i "prove them" that they were wrong and my account was activated again xD
So people, be careful!! server is giving away reports and yes i was only using derp, nothing more.
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Old 10/23/2015, 08:29   #2635 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by erivando123 View Post
because to me it is still dark and the water from the top was not removed ?, as I resolso it?
Did you use DERP? if so did you run it as admin before starting glyph?

if not, did you roll the Cvars correctly? and in addition to that did you roll scripts properly? because to me it works just fine, I dont see water at all in the game its all see through all the way to the ocean bottom
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Old 10/23/2015, 08:34   #2636 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by debbielove View Post
Xi.Cynx sorry man but you dont know what they are talking about, this is another debuff given from the server, and i know it, cause i've talked with a GM, and he said to me that this kind of debuff players cant give you, that debuff disable you to everything, you will be in PK mod (purple), you are unable to use skills/open portal/mails/killing mobs, and more, only GM can remove from you... and wait 4h? forget, when you try to log again it will be there again xD i know i've been there, and @Plox i was banned hours later after they remove my debuff loool but i "prove them" that they were wrong and my account was activated again xD
So people, be careful!! server is giving away reports and yes i was only using derp, nothing more.
Are you able to advise what you were doing at the time of you receiving this debuff? I've never seen it before where you couldn't remove it and it looks identical to the one that players can give you... that's very strange.... I can understand it disabling all your normal skills, but also putting you in bloodlust mode and set to purple? That's a bit over the top I would think.
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Old 10/23/2015, 09:52   #2637 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Xi.Cynx View Post
Are you able to advise what you were doing at the time of you receiving this debuff? I've never seen it before where you couldn't remove it and it looks identical to the one that players can give you... that's very strange.... I can understand it disabling all your normal skills, but also putting you in bloodlust mode and set to purple? That's a bit over the top I would think.

I was using water level to deliver packs on npc and i think the foot of npc reported me xD cant tell you more. Yes is like a bulling debuff, when server gives you that 3rd party debuff they give you also a debuff called retribution ( everyone can kill you and you cant do nothing against) , you dont see mobs on map, NPCs, only players, you cant die without air on water, cant use skills,no recalls,no arenas, i think only AH works (it is nice to send money to other account). but is that thing, they cant prove anything... cause its client side, they've shooted the bullet in the dark, you can catch the bullet and being banned or you can fight against them
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Old 10/23/2015, 13:59   #2638 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Xi.Cynx View Post
Suspicious activity can only be given out by another player in Archeage. It's not automatically flagged on you by their system. You were not careful enough and someone saw you doing something strange. Be more careful not to get caught.
You are totally wrong. You are talking about the report debuff which is a **** and let you do anything that you want in game, you are not limited.

I have got flagged by the system when I was delivering a pack from the underground. The difference is that you get 2 debuffs (5 hours duration), one makes you player killer and the other one freeze your char and you can't move or use any skills.
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Old 10/23/2015, 14:05   #2639 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by Ploxasarus View Post
Yes, and it's already done but I'm touching up a few things. It will have an initial release early tomorrow and will be a cleaner better setup version that is currently done, but without anything additional right now so I can work out any/all kinks since I restructured this from the ground up and need to make sure everything is accordingly with it prior to adding more options.

I think for the speed, since I can already see it getting very out of hand, I'm going to limit it and just make a checkbox that sets it to a certain amount rather then letting people go all-out with it cause I know people will be irresponsible with it and unfortunately at that and I'd rather it not be heavily abused and get noticed.

I think as it stands, based on what everyone is telling me - that a simple 1-2$ charge for a login for the new version would suffice, but I'm still very 50/50 on this. It has as stated, turned into more of a hack as opposed to what the mod was originally, but to charge for it an not guartnee any lifetime on it doesn't seem fair either, but then again with me knowing that gameguard will not come on the client ever again now, I think it will be interesting to see what they counteract with now that they are not going to use gg or hackshield at all..

Certain things can be called/increased from the rendering, but I'm unsure about players or player entities ( boats an shit ) being able to be increased. I know that to an extend you can, but I've no idea if there is an limit the server will allow or if I can trigger that in memory.

Expect Derp up for download tomorrow and login requests being processed and me making my ultimate decision on what to do with it. I can for sure say to you though that Derp with what it's been upgraded into, is well worth it and after any kink working out done, it will be even more extremely useful when climb & speed is added to it. It is unfortunate I have to limit the speed, but I know people and how they get angry an just want to mash everything, so thus I will set it as a threshold for now but it will be just as good as an database edit, not be as abused but still be very useful in every scenario.

Oh and P.S.: Yes I can change the model of a player wearing a pack and yes you can see it very far away as a pole, but it is super annoying as hell to leave on but useful at sea, can add if people prefer?

sounds great i tested so far all you sent out at lest some love your works
and i would not paying 1 to 2 bucks for it even if its no life time as long as i dont have pay again ... but i kinda on conflict of the limited speed if going pay i like get full use out it but i do understand that it could be over used and they get cought if they do it there own dumass faults for over using it where they can ... i seen guy to day out speed me useing short rang telly ports get chest before me so it be nice if i keep up with him . dont mind the computation just like be on = grounds with them lol
so i say limit it just no so much that i cant keep up with the supper porty player or give me that spam port skill no cool down lol

Originally Posted by Xi.Cynx View Post
Are you able to advise what you were doing at the time of you receiving this debuff? I've never seen it before where you couldn't remove it and it looks identical to the one that players can give you... that's very strange.... I can understand it disabling all your normal skills, but also putting you in bloodlust mode and set to purple? That's a bit over the top I would think.
ya i seen it on my alt accounts in last day or so it locks ya out fully and even turns ya purple from what i gathered a Gm adds to you when your chars level in game dont match area you are in ( say under ground or in mountain) for serton time limit .. i got my alt acount taking off back on normal after chat with Gms he said that my char was not normal levels in game for over 10 mins i told him i fell though with ground got stuck and had walk away pc when i came back i had debuff i just hit the escape skill... he then said they was sorry sys mistake for other things and my account was fixed.. so watch out the level and where your chars are can be seen by the sys..
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Old 10/23/2015, 18:59   #2640 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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I don't mind donating again/paying separate for it but I don't get paid until the 31st at 10pm pst >.<; broke until then =/ Like I mentioned in my original PM I had planned to donate more when I got paid, just don't wanna be locked out of this until my paycheck but whatever you decide is chill.
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