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Warrior/Pally Req - Increase Ranged Attack Power

Discussion on Warrior/Pally Req - Increase Ranged Attack Power within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

Old   #1
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1) Get a level 60 paladin or warrior
2) Unequip your ranged weapon
3) Turn off aspect of the hawk
4) Have the paladin or warrior cast blessing of the might/battle shout. This will give you in all 155 + 185 damage. This doesn't even include all of your talents you have.
5) Equip your ranged weapon
6) Turn on aspect of the hawk
7) You now have an extra 340 ranged attack power.
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Old 10/29/2006, 11:45   #2
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forever or just for the 2/5 mins?
liath is offline  
Old 10/29/2006, 14:51   #3
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So, this converts Melee AP into Ranged AP?
aimbotsux is offline  
Old 11/03/2006, 15:59   #4
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is this really working?
I tried now several times with my hunter and my pally also but RAP never changed.
maybe it´s old and allready fixed? please some 1 confirm this cuz it would be tooo nice
kupo is offline  

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1) Get a level 60 paladin or warrior 2) Unequip your ranged weapon 3) Turn off aspect of the hawk 4) Have the paladin or warrior cast blessing of the might/battle shout. This will give you in all 155 + 185 damage. This doesn't even include all of your talents you have. 5) Equip your ranged weapon 6) Turn on aspect of the hawk 7) You know have an extra 340 ranged attack power. This will stay untill you zone out.

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