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Easy ranged lvl ups

Discussion on Easy ranged lvl ups within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

Old   #1
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I noticed this while trying to kill a level 14 when I was like, level 10. If you go to darkshore, and get on an island, or land, and attack those monsters that only go in water, and atract it towards land, you can attack it, but it won't die. It will say 'Immune' over and over again, but you still get a level up every so often. You can use this for a bow/gun/crossbow/cast/wand. It's good for low levels. Hope you like it. (by sinister)

have fun
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Old 06/09/2006, 13:09   #2
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hae? W00t? How? If it tell me IMMUN, how can i get exp ?
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Old 06/09/2006, 13:12   #3
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u get weaponskill there
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Old 06/09/2006, 14:44   #4
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Er meint nich level ups vom level her sondern level up im waffenskil :x
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Old 06/09/2006, 15:04   #5
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Originally posted by bottor@Jun 9 2006, 12:53
...It will say 'Immune' over and over again, but you still get a level up every so often. You can use this for a bow/gun/crossbow/ cast /wand. It's good for low levels. Hope you like it. (by sinister)

have fun
hmn...denk schon das er level ups meint und net weaponskills,
denn er hat doch auch "cast" aufgelistet. (vlt flüchtigkeitsfehler?^^')
und leider kann man zauber nur beim lehrer "lvln"(ränge) soviel ich weiß :O

er sollte das nochmal deutlicher schreiben^^'

could you please explain it better?
how can you still kill the mobs when it says "immune"? ^^'

mfg [img]text2schild.php?smilienummer=1&text= ich spiel zum glück kein wow mehr!!1 ' border='0' alt=' ich spiel zum glück kein wow mehr!!1 ' />
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Old 06/09/2006, 17:47   #6
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macht abe kein sinn aus dem textkontext
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Old 06/10/2006, 12:06   #7
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es geht dabei um weaponskillung, daher auch die auflistung der ranged waffen
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