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Healing players in a duel

Discussion on Healing players in a duel within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

Old   #1
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Healing players in a duel


Ferib here with an awesome exploit.
I just found out that monks can cast "Soothing Mist" on a player.
When the player goes in duel, he still get the heals from "Soothing Mist".

Have fun trolling

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Old 09/13/2017, 18:58   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Lol, this is gonna make people rage.
tietkop is offline  
Old 12/23/2017, 01:25   #3
elite*gold: 89
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It got fixed^^
Smiteybite is offline  


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