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Raise Ranged weapon skill
Discussion on Raise Ranged weapon skill within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.
07/30/2005, 04:53
elite*gold: 20
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 700
Received Thanks: 26
1) Go to Ravenhill cemetary in duskwood
2) Find the hole in the ground (it should be guarded by ghouls named dawning wood catacombs)
3) Go all the until you find a tunnel taking you to a mausoleum filled with skellies
4) Kill 2 pathers inside and run all the way to the side so the skellys cant get you.
5) You can hit them and increase your ranged weapon skills easily. They will agro for you but never ben able to get you.
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2.) Go to Flight Tower and attack the Cenarian Emissary.
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you will...
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