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[Mage Exploit] +Burst dps

Discussion on [Mage Exploit] +Burst dps within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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[Mage Exploit] +Burst dps

Here is the trinket you need, an interesting trinket that can proces on all spells (and also on Crafts).

Now, I discovered that the trinket proces with a 95% rate (approximatively) on "Dalaran Brillance".

So you must :
1. Be a mage.
2. Loot the "Dying Curse" trinket.
3. Buy the "Tome of Dalaran Brillance" at Dalaran

When you want to activate the proc, just cast the spell (for example, at the start of a boss fight).
The trinket has a 45sec internal CD, so don't be afraid if it can't be spammed.

The advantages :
1. Increase your burst, as if your trinket was a "Use"
2. Manage your burst potential (combined with other Mage's abilities)

I tried today this trick, on Sartharion 10 (Obsidian Sanctum).
With a T7/Epic not too bad, not too good stuff.

My average dps is approximatively 3K5~ on Sartharion10, today it was of 4k~.

The only disadvantage, it's the manacost of the Arcane Brillance. I have not tried if the "self" version works too yet.

I hope my first contribution for this site could help someone, and sorry if my English is not perfect, it's not my Mother's tongue ^^
Happy new year, and Have Fun !
Bob Sanchez!
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Old 01/05/2009, 13:25   #2
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kombiniert mit der geringen arkanen inteligenz glyphe ein echter burner !
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Old 01/05/2009, 15:21   #3
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also knall ich am anfang erstmal 81% base mana für nen trinket procc raus ? :O
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Old 01/05/2009, 20:08   #4
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ja auf lvl 80 sind das 2100 Mana, mit der Glyphe nur noch 1050.
1050 Mana für 765 Spell für 10sek ist zwar nicht wenig aber wenn man es sich Manamäßig leisten kann ok^^
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Old 01/07/2009, 06:12   #5
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also ich habe im 25er raid 0 aber wirklich NULL mana probleme, use meine mana gems auch nur um den 2er set bonus zu bekommen .. no joke.

und btw: das trinket procct eh extrem gut d.h beim ersten versengen procct das ding, int ist also überflüssig.
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Old 01/08/2009, 00:17   #6
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und wenn man spielen kann macht man 5k dps ohne so nen sinnlosen mana verbrauch *gähn* ^^
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