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(Mage) Spellsteal AV Exploit

Discussion on (Mage) Spellsteal AV Exploit within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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This is freaking amazing.

1. Take a Mage w/ spellsteal into the Horde Mines near Frostwolf GY
2. Spellsteal "Fire shield" from one of the Rat Miners.

Fire Shield
Does 50 fire damage to any enemies within a 5 yard radius around the caster every 3 seconds for 15 sec

Here is where it gets good, its a 1 to 1 ratio with your +spell dmg, so Mages with 700 Spell damage will have this AoE hitting all targets every 3 seconds for 750 dmg, w/o any mana costs. (lasts 2 minutes)

Proof -

Tried this last night in AV with a Mage friend of mine, and he was only able to get it to stack once (says you can stack it more in the video). But he was owning people without even dismounting.

Lol, Thought I might also add. It will still effect your enemies even when your Ice Blocked.
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Old 02/28/2007, 13:03   #2
Soluhe's Avatar
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guck guck ^^ schon mal gepostet

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Old 03/02/2007, 08:28   #3
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well .. tried it and i get only 48 damage to things
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Old 03/02/2007, 11:59   #4
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Originally posted by gbfouridie@Mar 2 2007, 08:28
well .. tried it and i get only 48 damage to things
Jop wurde sozusagen "gefixed"
Es macht nur noch 50 Dmg anstatt den 900 von früher
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Old 03/02/2007, 12:35   #5
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zum glück
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