Syndicate, the newest portion of the adventure series by Ubisoft is coming at the end of this year. It is truly amazing how too many exciting games are being released this year. It looks like we will all be quite busy for some time. Back on topic, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is set in London around the 80s and is featured by two characters Jacob Frye and Evie. The story line is not really different from the old ones at least if you consider what you will be doing there. The game is about taking over London and freeing it from the corruption the industrial revolution has made. Your character is enhanced with a lot of new technology as new weapons, measuring scales and a lot more interesting surprises that are presented for the first time in the whole franchise.
Unfortunately, there will be no companion app for this game and it will be in single-player mode only. Ubisoft explained the reasons that lead to these decisions and said that the development team wanted to focus on creating the biggest city based open-world that we’ve ever had for an Assassin’s Creed game and the core experience.
The new “Victorian London” is 30% bigger than Unity’s Paris having six main divisions: Westminster, the Strand, the City of London, Whitechapel, Southwark, and Lambeth.
Release date is set to October 23rd for Xbox One and PS4, and before the end of the year for the PC version. Are you excited? I am excited!