Despite numerous petitions, fans of popular FPS series TimeSplitters failed to initiate the development of a new extension. Crytek, under whose ownership of a franchise is right now, said that the interest in the game is not convincing enough, but fans can make a modification to CryEngineu 3 and employ materials from previous games without fear of being sued. The idea was quickly developed, and TimeSplitters Rewind was created.
TimeSplitters Rewind was announced today as a mod for the PC crowd. The game will have all the mods from the previous three parts, and support for 8-16 players. Multiplayer will be the exclusive network because CryEngine 3 does not support the execution of split screen options. Although they will develop new items, but most items will be processed in HD, so fans will be able to see approximately 300 famous characters from previous games. Release date for this mod is not known, but it will definitely not be this year because a trial demo version can be expected in December.