There are many tools like Krisp, Utterly on macOS or RTX Voice on Windows that allow you to remove background noise from your recording in real time. And it's very cool, because it allows you to remove annoying noises like traffic noise, fan noise, keyboard noise during your streams or Zoom conferences.
There are also tools under Linux like NoiseTorch which allow to do that but if you don't like it, there is also Cadmus !
This free Linux tool, a bit older, was designed to remove background noise from Discord, Zoom, Skype...etc. calls without having to deal with the command line. It is actually a graphical interface on top of the PulseAudio noise removal plugin.
Once installed, Cadmus adds an icon to the menu bar, allowing you to easily select a microphone as a source, and then creates a PulseAudio output that removes all recorded background noise.
To install it under Debian / Ubuntu, you can get the .deb here and an AppImage format is also available for those who want :