Ya... Blaaa... Blaaa... Blaaa... Wrong section and dont forget [No Questions] I read alot and did alot of searching the consant thing in this forum is that N00bs dont get aknowledged unless they post in the wrong section. If there is a TRUE N00b TUT somewhere can I please have the link. Possibly something that explains all bs abrv... Becuase your tuts make me even more confused they all looks like "CE then CF copy the STFU and paste it up you ***".
Like for instance a TUT on how to bypass GG, XTRAP or whatever in gmae protection they are using. I am not a hacker but I would think that anyone who is planning on using any type of hack would have to do this first??? and yet i have seen nothing on this subject. Only people asking for help and replies of people laughing at them and calling them a N00b. Basically telling them to find another source. If we had another source for the things we needed then we prolly wouldnt be here... Does this make sence or am I completely insaine? If there is a good guide like this and I failed to see it then it needs to be stickied some place where us N00bs can find it easily.