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Internet Problem

Discussion on Internet Problem within the Technical Support forum part of the Off-Topics category.

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elite*gold: 0
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Internet Problem

Hi guys,
On my another computer a virus started to control my system.
If i were on Skype it started to send some thing to everyone, pumped up all my skype list and started to send something in spanish with a download link.
Now, i cannot access my internet. I do not have IP address etc.
I dont know why this things happened. I did not downloaded anything from the internet. That pc is for my dad, he just talks on YM and Skype. We just save pictures from our family, that they send to us.
Does someone know what is the issue?

Thanks in advance.
robert5090 is offline  
Old 01/17/2010, 09:38   #2
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elite*gold: 62
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start in safed mode with network
head to
it should fix it.... the scan could take some time....
Gordge is offline  

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