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[Security Release]Stop the recent attacks(That are not ddos attacks.)

Discussion on [Security Release]Stop the recent attacks(That are not ddos attacks.) within the Shaiya PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the Shaiya Private Server category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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Thumbs up [Security Release]Stop the recent attacks(That are not ddos attacks.)

Hi everyone here is a little tutorial on the recent attacks as i've seen and were i played on servers which have gotten attacked, so to prevent this issue here is the tutorial below.
  • Get the program called rKill, which i have provided below And block in firewall this IP *fetching ip*
  • Range: -
  • Range: -
  • Range: -
  • As far as rKill, use it only under attack, It may block you out for a few seconds, and make players lag, As for CMD: Use this to find traces:
  • nbstat -c
  • netstat
  • Hope you that helps anyone needing to stop this person who is going around attacking, not with ddos attacks protected.
Program statistics so everyone understands what it does specify

Bleeping Computer Review:
  • RKill download links:

For more information about RKill and to ask questions regarding how it should be used, please visit the support topic here:
[Sick]Syndicate is offline  
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Old 12/04/2012, 20:51   #2
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 22
Received Thanks: 9
What this can do:
[Within CMD]
1.Trace an IP -It can be the original IP
-a hided ip(This can be done by any ip hider)
[Within rKill]
Well as much as i know with my hacking/protecting experience, a program, which will block Ip Fetching, it is possible to block your IP too.

Originally Posted by [Sick]Syndicate View Post
block in firewall this IP *fetching ip*[*]Range: ***.***.***.x - xx.xx.***.***[*]Range: xx.***.***.x - ***.***.***.***[*]Range: xx.x.***.x - xx.x.***.xx[*]As far as rKill, use it only under attack, It may block you out for a few seconds, and make players lag.
One sure way to Protect your server is by using Special Utilities as Nexus Guard (e.g) It is highly recommended not to use Tools that were found around on google they can harm your computer or even worse.
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