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Tap Titans 2 Advanced ClickBot (HiroMacro)

Discussion on Tap Titans 2 Advanced ClickBot (HiroMacro) within the Mobile Games forum part of the Other Online Games category.

Old 04/08/2018, 15:34   #916
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 4
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So I've managed to get the hero level up working on mine where it clicks properly and doesn't skip over them. I noticed that the bottom hero press always worked and that it had an additional sleep after the touchUp action.

It comes with the side effect of slowing the process down, but it works at least.

See below. All the sleep 60 have been added to the :levelHeroesPressLevelUp function

HTML Code:
        touchDown 1 466 720
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60
	touchDown 1 466 700
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 680
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 660
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 640
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 620
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 600
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 580
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 560
	sleep 40
	touchMove 1 0 0
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added 
	touchDown 1 466 540
	sleep 40
	touchUp 1
	sleep 60 //added but probably not necessary
emhkay is offline  
Old 04/08/2018, 15:58   #917
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 20
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Iam actually testing chrisreyn hs build from github and it does work on hs siphon build plus a bit of cs for more splashes. Later i will test on other builds like cs+phom etc.
tommy8208 is offline  
Old 04/08/2018, 22:58   #918
elite*gold: 0
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why my bot loop on up hero all times
maxxering is offline  
Old 04/08/2018, 23:08   #919
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 5
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Hello, any idea how to fix this cript?
DEVICE: SM-N935F 4.4.2
SCREEN_SIZE: 480x800 (softkey)

// - Tap Titans 2 AdvancedClickBot by Tune389 [ v1.3 dev 1]
// edited by djo5296 '17-12-30
// chrisreyn HS SIPHON Jan 23 2018
SCREEN_SIZE: 480x800

// ----------- Click Areas
var #enableFairies 1
var #enablePremiumCollect 1
var #agree 1
var #decline 0

var #hatchEggs 1

var #enableClanShip 1

var #enableTapping 0
//; 1 = (default) hit the titans with your sword master
//; 0 = disable hits (except on CQ)

var #equipStack 1
// 1 = keep clan crates and equips on the floor
// ----------- Actions ----------- [ Prestige ]
var #enableAutoprestige 1

var #lateRun 0
// use 1 if you want to start at later time defined below in #minz
// 2nd run onwards will NOT adjust time by #minz

calc #minz 60000 * 35
// starts timer at 35 mins; else, edit the 35 above
// "lateRun 1" to start at #minutes = #minz / 60000

var #prestigeAfterXMinutes 80

var #DelayCurrentRun 0
// each run is delayed by 0-10 mins at random to prevent teapot
// will always delay the next run and all runs after
// ----------- Actions ----------- [ General ]
//level ms, heroes, skills every x seconds
var #runActionsEveryXSeconds 132
// recommended equal to total SC+DShift duration minus ~6 seconds
// do also note that displayed run time is not very accurate with real time

var #runActionsOnStart 1
//; 1 = (default) run actions on script start
//; 0 = run actions after given run time above
// ----------- Actions ----------- [ ClanQuest ]
var #enableClanQuest 0
//fight the clan boss with max possible hits
var #clanQuestRunsPerReadyUp 1
//; 1 = (default) attack every ready up once for free
//; 2-99 = spend dias for more attacks
// ----------- Actions ----------- [ Heroes ]
var #enableHeroes 1
var #heroIntensity 2
// ----------- Actions ----------- [ Skills ]
var #enableSkills 1

var #fullManaSkill 5
//; 2 = DS
//; 3 = HoM
//; 5 = WC

//press given skills every X seconds
var #intervalDS 2
var #intervalHoM 2
var #intervalWC 2

//these will be the skill intervals when #lateRun == 1
//time dependent variable changes in :start will still apply, be sure to check :start section
if #lateRun == 1
#intervalDS = 5
#intervalHoM = 1
#intervalWC = 1

#unlocked = 8
// use 8 if #minz minute equivalent > #maxSkillsAtXMinutes
// else, use 4

//just level each skill once
var #justUnlockSkills 0
//; 1 = (default) just unlock
//; 0 = level skills much as possible
//; will always max HS and SC whether 1 or 0

//only applicable when #justUnlockSkills == 1
var #maxSkillsAtXMinutes 40
var #phantomTimepiece 1

// extra variables I use in my code
calc #maxSkillsAtXMinutesA #maxSkillsAtXMinutes - 1
calc #maxSkillsAtXMinutesB #maxSkillsAtXMinutes + 2

//run skill check after prestige (0) or now (1)
var #startSkillCheckNow 1
// ----------- Actions ----------- [ Boss ]
//cancel actions if boss fight running
var #checkBossFight 0

//wait for given skill (2-6) then start boss
var #startBossSkill 5
//; 2 = DS
//; 3 = HoM
//; 5 = WC

//optional skill which will be clicked on start (not checked)
var #startBossSecondarySkill 2
//; 2 = DS
//; 3 = HoM
//; 5 = WC

// ----------- Developer / Expert
var #maxHitCount 9999999

//show current script runtime
var #showCurrentTime 1

//if you wanna sync the script time with real time you can play around with this value
var #timeScaleAddition 17
// ----------- Dec
var #randomX 0
var #randomY 0
var #color1 0
var #color2 0
var #loopCount 0
var #clanQuestLoopCount 0
var #pressLevelUpLoopCount 0
var #skillCheckStepper 0
var #actionStepper 0
var #levelHeroesStepper 0
var #bossFightInProgress 0
var #skillActive 0
var #colorRed 0
var #colorBlue 0
var #colorGreen 0
var #loopDetectionCount 0
var #skillsUnlocked 0
var #unlocked 0
var #tryWithDelay 0
var #checkRunning 0
var #clanQuestCount 0
var #recheckClanQuest 0
var #count 0
var #hitCount 0
var #skillAvailable 0
var #loopBreak 0
var #sleepSec 0
var #sleepCount1 0
var #sleepCount2 0
var #display
rand #display 2 12
set #rAEXS #runActionsEveryXSeconds
set #iHS #intervalHS
set #iDS #intervalDS
set #iFS #intervalFS
set #iHoM #intervalHoM
set #iWC #intervalWC
set #iSC #intervalSC
var #HoMCD1 6000
var #HoMCD2 41000
// ----------- Delays
var #btnDelay 150
var #hitDelay 40
var #menuSlideDelay 200
var #menuPopUpDelay 500
var #loadingClanQuestDelay 3000
var #shipDelay 125
var #runDelayInterval 10000
// ----------- Menu Coords
var #menuY 780
var #menuStats 15
var #menuHeroes 120
var #menuCloseY 455
var #menuCloseX 466
// ----------- Colors
var #colorWhite -65793
var #colorSkillActivated -20993
var #colorInfoNumber 475629
var #colorDia -7970303
var #colorLevelUpAvailable 1338350
var #skillGray 7829367
var #skillBlue 3693762
var #colorBlack 397861
var #colorStatsButton 3826675
var #colorGray 2695200
//var #colorItemBossActive 2432264 127 70
// ----------- TimeSets
var #timeLastActionRun 0
var #timeDiff 0
var #time 0
var #seconds 0
var #secondsTotal 0
var #minutes 0
var #lastPressHS 0
var #lastPressDS 0
var #lastPressFS 0
var #lastPressHoM 0
var #lastPressSC 0
var #lastPressWC 0
var #resultManaPool 0
var #resultCheckBoss 0
var #resultUpdateTime 0
var #resultClanQuest 0
// ----------- MAIN
#loopCount = #loopCount + 1
#resultManaPool = #loopCount % 901
#resultCheckBoss = #loopCount % 302
#resultClanQuest = #loopCount % 101
#resultUpdateTime = #loopCount % 75
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #timeLastActionRun

//add general execution delays
#time = #time + #timeScaleAddition

if #resultClanQuest == 0 and #enableClanQuest == 1
goto :checkClanQuest

if #resultUpdateTime == 0
#seconds = (#time/1000)%60
#secondsTotal = #time/1000
#minutes = (#time/1000)/60

if #enableSkills == 1
//time dynamic skill interval clicks

if #minutes >= 60
#runActionsEveryXSeconds = 60

if #minutes > 80
#runActionsEveryXSeconds = 45

if #showCurrentTime == 1 and #resultUpdateTime == 0
toast #minutes:#seconds

if #resultUpdateTime == 0 and #enablePremiumCollect == 1 and #agree == 1
touchDown 0 350 630
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 50
#time = #time + 100

if #resultUpdateTime == 0 and #enablePremiumCollect == 1 and #decline == 1
touchDown 0 195 630
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 50
#time = #time + 100
if #resultUpdateTime == 0 and #timeDiff < #runActionsEveryXSeconds
goto ressSkills

if #loopCount == 1 and #enableClanQuest == 1
goto :checkClanQuest
elseif #loopCount == 2
goto :init
elseif #minutes >= #prestigeAfterXMinutes and #enableAutoprestige == 1
goto :checkPrestige
elseif #timeDiff >= #runActionsEveryXSeconds
goto :runActions
elseif #resultCheckBoss == 0
toast Will sleep for #display minute(s) next run . . .
goto :checkBoss
elseif #resultManaPool == 0
goto :checkMana
elseif #loopCount == #maxHitCount
#loopCount = 0
goto :randomTouch
goto :randomTouch

#DelayCurrentRun = 1
#skillsUnlocked = 0
#time = 0
#seconds = 0
#secondsTotal = 0
#minutes = 0
#unlocked = 0
#runActionsEveryXSeconds = #rAEXS

#intervalHS = 0
#intervalDS = 5
#intervalFS = 5
#intervalHoM = 5
#intervalWC = 5
#intervalSC = 5
goto :init
// ----------- INIT

CheckApp #checkRunning com.gamehivecorp.taptitans2
if #checkRunning == 0
RunApp com.gamehivecorp.taptitans2
WaitApp com.gamehivecorp.taptitans2
sleep 10000

if #enablePremiumCollect == 1 and #agree == 1
touchDown 0 350 630
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 50
#time = #time + 100

if #enablePremiumCollect == 1 and #decline == 1
touchDown 0 195 630
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 50
#time = #time + 100

#lastPressHS = 0
#lastPressDS = 0
#lastPressFS = 0
#lastPressHoM = 0
#lastPressSC = 0
#lastPressWC = 0
#timeLastActionRun = 0

touchDown 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay

if #runActionsOnStart == 1
#actionStepper = 0
goto :runActions
goto :start

toast loop detected - restarting ...
#loopCount = 0
#loopDetectionCount = 0
goto :init
// ----------- PRESS SKILLS

// check running state
CheckApp #checkRunning com.gamehivecorp.taptitans2
if #checkRunning == 0
RunApp com.gamehivecorp.taptitans2
sleep 10000
goto :init

touchDown 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay + 50

if #enableClanShip == 1
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 155
sleep #shipDelay
#time = #time + 7 * #shipDelay

getColor #color 390 36
if #color == 1204718
touchPress 0 390 36
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #lastPressSC
if #timeDiff >= #intervalSC and #intervalSC > 0
#lastPressSC = #secondsTotal
touchPress 0 430 710
#time = #time + 200
getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 410 705
#time = #time + 100
if #colorRed == -1 and #colorBlue == 0
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #lastPressHoM
if #timeDiff >= #intervalHoM and #intervalHoM > 0 and #colorRed == -1 and #colorBlue == 0
#lastPressHoM = #secondsTotal
touchPress 0 200 710
#time = #time + 200
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #lastPressFS
if #timeDiff >= #intervalFS and #intervalFS > 0 and #colorRed == -1 and #colorBlue == 0
#lastPressFS = #secondsTotal
touchPress 0 280 710
#time = #time + 200
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #lastPressWC
if #timeDiff >= #intervalWC and #intervalWC > 0 and #colorRed == -1 and #colorBlue == 0
#lastPressWC = #secondsTotal
touchPress 0 360 710
#time = #time + 200
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #lastPressDS
if #timeDiff >= #intervalDS and #intervalDS > 0 and #colorRed == -1 and #colorBlue == 0
#lastPressDS = #secondsTotal
touchPress 0 120 710
#time = #time + 200
#timeDiff = #secondsTotal - #lastPressHS
if #timeDiff >= #intervalHS and #intervalHS > 0 and #colorRed == -1 and #colorBlue == 0
#lastPressHS = #secondsTotal
touchPress 0 40 710
#time = #time + 200

goto :start
// ----------- CHECK MANA

//checking mana bar
getColor #color1 208 638
if #color1 == #colorWhite
goto :startSkill
goto :start

if #fullManaSkill == 1
touchPress 0 40 710
elseif #fullManaSkill == 2
touchPress 0 120 710
elseif #fullManaSkill == 3
touchPress 0 200 710
elseif #fullManaSkill == 4
touchPress 0 280 710
elseif #fullManaSkill == 5
touchPress 0 360 710
elseif #fullManaSkill == 6
touchPress 0 430 710
#time = #time + 200
goto :start

#timeLastActionRun = #secondsTotal
#actionStepper = #actionStepper + 1

if #checkBossFight == 1
getColor #color1 139 85

if #checkBossFight == 1 and #color1 == #colorWhite
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
toast skipping actions - boss fight in progress
goto :PressSkills

if #actionStepper == 2 and #enableSkills == 1 and #skillsUnlocked < 6
#skillsUnlocked = 0
goto :OpenSwordMasterTab
elseif #actionStepper == 1 and #enableHeroes == 1
goto :levelHeroes
elseif #actionStepper == 5 and #enableClanQuest == 1
#actionStepper = 0
goto :checkClanQuest
#actionStepper = 0
goto :checkBoss
goto :runActions

// ----------- CHECK PRESTIGE
sleep 1000
#time = #time + 1000

sleep 100
//open stats
sleep #btnDelay
touchDown 0 #menuStats #menuY
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay + #btnDelay + 100
touchUp 0

//wait for slide
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay

//slide top
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 750
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay + 1100

//lvl up
sleep #btnDelay
sleep 50
#time = #time + #btnDelay + 50
touchDown 0 466 580
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 200
touchDown 0 466 580
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 200
touchDown 0 466 580
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + 750

sleep 400

//slide down
touchDown 1 280 740
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 710
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 300

//slide down
touchDown 1 280 740
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 710
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 300

//slide down
touchDown 1 280 740
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 710
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 300
#time = #time + 1950

//slide down
touchDown 1 280 740
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 710
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 300
#time = #time + 1950

touchDown 0 400 720
touchUp 0
sleep #menuPopUpDelay
#time = #time + #menuPopUpDelay

touchDown 0 240 640
sleep #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep #menuPopUpDelay
getColor #color1 430 540
if #color1 == 6384247
touchDown 0 330 535
sleep #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep 12000
#count = 0
goto :afterPrestige
touchPress 470 450
touchPress 470 450
touchPress 470 450
touchPress 470 450
goto :checkPrestige
goto :start

// ----------- CHECK CLAN QUEST
getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 72 21
getColor #color1 65 795

if #colorRed < 190 and #colorRed > 120 and #color1 == #colorStatsButton
#recheckClanQuest = 1
goto :checkClanQuestReady
goto :start

//open menu
sleep #btnDelay
touchDown 0 80 25
sleep #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep #btnDelay

//touch clan icon bottom
touchDown 0 100 730
sleep #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep #loadingClanQuestDelay

getColor #color1 420 725

if #color1 == -1785765 and #clanQuestCount == 0
#recheckClanQuest = 0
goto :clanQuestClose

//boss progress color 
getColor #color1 175 335

#clanQuestLoopCount = 0

if #color1 == 2055160
//boss up
touchDown 0 310 740
sleep #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep #menuPopUpDelay
goto :clanQuestCheckDias
elseif #color1 == 0
//boss down
#recheckClanQuest = 0

//close (and recheck)
goto :clanQuestClose

getColor #color1 40 215

if #color1 == -7775689
//no dias left
#recheckClanQuest = 0
goto :clanQuestClose
touchDown 0 325 450
sleep #btnDelay
touchUp 0

sleep 3000
getColor #color1 20 770

goto :clanQuestHit

if #color1 == -28929 and #clanQuestLoopCount == 0
//add quest
#clanQuestCount = #clanQuestCount + 1

#clanQuestLoopCount = #clanQuestLoopCount + 1

if #color1 == -28929 and #clanQuestLoopCount < 1000
//hit the boss
touchDown 0 180 730
touchUp 0
sleep 42
#time = #time + 28
goto :clanQuestHit
elseif #clanQuestLoopCount > 950
goto :clanQuestClose

getColor #color1 65 795
if #color1 == #colorStatsButton
goto :clanQuestCloseCheck
touchDown 0 415 45
touchUp 0
sleep 200
touchDown 0 420 210
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + #btnDelay
goto :clanQuestClose

if #recheckClanQuest == 1 and #clanQuestCount < #clanQuestRunsPerReadyUp
goto :checkClanQuestReady
#clanQuestCount = 0
goto :start

// ----------- LEVEL SKILLS
//open sword master tab
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchDown 0 #menuStats #menuY
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0

//wait for slide
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay

//slide top
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 600
#time = #time + 950

if #enableSkills == 1 or #enableHeroes == 1
goto :checkSkills

goto :closeMenu

if #DelayCurrentRun == 0 and #startSkillCheckNow == 0
goto :checkSkillsFinish

if #skillsUnlocked == 6 and #justUnlockSkills == 1
toast skills unlocked, stop now until next prestige
goto :checkSkillsFinish

#skillCheckStepper = #skillCheckStepper + 1

if #skillCheckStepper == 1
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0

goto :maxSkill

elseif #skillCheckStepper <= 6
goto :checkSkillsUnlock

//slide back
touchDown 1 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 780
touchUp 1
#time = #time + 350
goto :checkSkillsFinish

if #DelayCurrentRun == 0 and #startSkillCheckNow == 0
goto :checkSkillsFinish

if #skillsUnlocked == 6 and #justUnlockSkills == 1
toast skills unlocked, stop now until next prestige
goto :checkSkillsFinish

#skillCheckStepper = #skillCheckStepper + 1

if #skillCheckStepper == 1
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0

goto :maxSkill

elseif #skillCheckStepper <= 6
goto :checkSkillsUnlock

//slide back
touchDown 1 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 780
touchUp 1
#time = #time + 350
goto :checkSkillsFinish

if #minutes >= #maxSkillsAtXMinutes and #unlocked < 10 and #skillCheckStepper <= 6
touchPress 0 459 755
sleep 300
#time = #time + 300
#unlocked = #unlocked + 1
if #skillCheckStepper == 3 and #phantomTimepiece == 1
toast Sleeping for 6 secs for HoM to cool down
sleep #HoMCD1
#time = #time + #HoMCD1
elseif #skillCheckStepper == 3 and #phantomTimepiece == 0
toast Sleeping for 41 secs for HoM to cool down
sleep #HoMCD2
#time = #time + #HoMCD2

#time = #time + 100
getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 459 755
if #colorBlue <= -45
sleep 10
#time = #time + 10
goto :endLvlSkill
elseif #justUnlockSkills == 1
if #skillCheckStepper <= 6
if #unlocked < 5
#unlocked = #unlocked + 1
touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay

goto :endLvlSkill
elseif #unlocked >= 5

//until when do you want to keep skills at lvl 1?
if #minutes < #maxSkillsAtXMinutes
goto :endLvlSkill
if #unlocked < 10
touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay

goto :maxSkill

elseif #justUnlockSkills == 0
touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay

touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay

touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay

touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay

touchPress 0 459 755
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay * 5

goto :endLvlSkill

goto :endLvlSkill

if #skillCheckStepper == 6
goto :checkSkills
goto :checkSkillsSlideDown

if #skillCheckStepper == 6
goto :checkSkills
goto :checkSkillsSlideDown

#loopBreak = #loopBreak + 1

if #loopBreak > 21
#loopBreak = 0

//slide top
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 750
#time = #time + 1100

goto :checkSkills

if #skillCheckStepper == 1
getColor #skillAvailable 460 700
elseif #skillCheckStepper > 1
getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 459 755

sleep 50
#time = #time + 50

if #skillCheckStepper == 1 and #skillAvailable >= -7963574 and #skillAvailable <= -7034609
#loopBreak = 0

goto :checkSkills
elseif #skillCheckStepper > 1 and #colorBlue <= -45
#loopBreak = 0
goto :endLvlSkill
if #skillCheckStepper == 1
touchPress 0 466 700
elseif #skillCheckStepper > 1
touchPress 0 459 755

sleep 100
#time = #time + 100
goto :maxSkill

sleep 200
#time = #time + 200

getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 450 710

if #colorBlue == 2 or #colorBlue == 5
#skillsUnlocked = #skillsUnlocked + 1

if #colorBlue == 2
sleep 100
touchDown 0 466 730
sleep 250
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + 550

if #justUnlockSkills == 0
getColor #skillAvailable 466 730
if #skillAvailable == #skillBlue
goto :checkSkillsSlideDown
sleep 50
#time = #time + 50

getColor #skillAvailable 466 730
if #skillAvailable == #skillBlue
goto :lvlSkill

if #skillCheckStepper == 6
goto :checkSkills
goto :checkSkillsSlideDown

touchDown 1 280 750
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 725
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 660
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 655
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 649
sleep 200
touchUp 1
sleep 200
#time = #time + 750
goto :checkSkills

#skillCheckStepper = 0

if #DelayCurrentRun == 1
#DelayCurrentRun = 0
//close stats
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
sleep #menuSlideDelay
toast Sleeping for #display minute(s). . .
#sleepSec = #display * 60000
#sleepCount1 = #sleepSec / 10000
goto :sleepDelay

if #enableHeroes == 1
goto :runActions
goto :closeMenu

if #sleepCount2 < #sleepCount1
#sleepCount2 = #sleepCount2 + 1
sleep #runDelayInterval
#sleepSec = #display * 60 - #sleepCount2 * 10
toast Sleep time left: #sleepSec seconds
if #sleepSec > 660
touchPress 0 430 710
touchPress 0 200 710
touchPress 0 40 710
if #sleepSec < 5
toast Finished delaying sequence
#sleepCount2 = 0
rand #display 2 12
goto :closeMenu
goto :sleepDelay
// ----------- LEVEL HEROES
if #count < 2
if #lateRun == 1 and #count == 0
#time = #time + #minz
#lateRun = 0
#seconds = (#time/1000)%60
#secondsTotal = #time/1000
#minutes = (#time/1000)/60
if #count < 2 and #lateRun == 0
sleep 100
//open stats
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay + 100
touchDown 0 #menuStats #menuY
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0

//wait for slide
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay

//slide top
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 750

//slide top
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 750

//slide top
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 750
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay + 3300

if #count < 2 and #lateRun == 0
touchDown 0 466 580
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 200
touchDown 0 466 580
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 200
touchDown 0 466 580
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + 750

//close stats
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay

if #count < 2
#count = #count + 1

//collect gold
touchDown 0 30 230
sleep 100
touchUp 0
sleep 100
#time = #time + 200

if #agree == 1
touchDown 0 300 630
touchUp 0
touchDown 0 300 630
touchUp 0
touchDown 0 300 630
touchUp 0

if #decline == 1
touchDown 0 195 630
touchUp 0
touchDown 0 195 630
touchUp 0
touchDown 0 195 630
touchUp 0

//open menu
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchDown 0 #menuHeroes #menuY
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep 1000
#time = #time + 1000

if #tryWithDelay == 1
sleep 3000

getColor #color1 95 765
if #color1 == #colorWhite
#tryWithDelay = 0

#loopDetectionCount = 0
#time = #time + 2000

if #minutes > 999
goto :lvlTopHero

//scroll up
touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 200

touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + 1100

goto :scrollTop

#tryWithDelay = 1
goto :levelHeroes

#loopDetectionCount = #loopDetectionCount + 1
if #loopDetectionCount == 50
goto :loopDetected

getColor #color1 475 510
if #color1 == #colorGray
sleep 400
#time = #time + 400

touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + 550

goto :lvlTopHero

touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 200

touchDown 0 280 650
sleep 200
touchMove 0 280 600
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 700
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 750
sleep 50
touchMove 0 280 780
touchUp 0
sleep 200
#time = #time + 1100
goto :scrollTop

touchPress 0 460 670
sleep #btnDelay
touchPress 0 460 670
sleep #btnDelay
touchPress 0 460 670
sleep #btnDelay
touchPress 0 460 670
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + btnDelay * 4

//skip leveling other heroes at these times

if #minutes >= #maxSkillsAtXMinutesB or #unlocked >= 8
#actionStepper = #actionStepper + 1

if #minutes > 999
goto :levelHeroesPressLevelUp

//lvl up only nearby heroes at this time onwards
if #minutes >= 30
//slide down
touchDown 1 280 740
sleep 200
touchMove 1 280 710
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1

sleep 300
#time = #time + 650

goto :levelHeroesPressLevelUp

goto :levelHeroesScrollDown

#loopDetectionCount = #loopDetectionCount + 1
if #loopDetectionCount == 50
goto :loopDetected

getColor #color1 440 760
if #color1 == #colorGray
#loopDetectionCount = 0

touchDown 1 280 750
touchMove 1 280 745
sleep 100
touchMove 1 280 740
touchMove 1 280 735
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 700
touchMove 1 280 690
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
touchMove 1 280 450
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 420
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 300
touchDown 1 280 750
touchMove 1 280 745
sleep 100
touchMove 1 280 740
touchMove 1 280 735
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 700
touchMove 1 280 690
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
touchMove 1 280 450
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 420
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 300
#time = #time + 1140

goto :lvlBottomHero

touchDown 1 280 750
touchMove 1 280 745
sleep 100
touchMove 1 280 740
touchMove 1 280 735
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 700
touchMove 1 280 690
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 500
touchMove 1 280 450
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 420
touchMove 1 280 410
sleep 50
touchMove 1 280 400
touchUp 1
sleep 270
#time = #time + 540
goto :levelHeroesScrollDown

// for legacy coordinates:
// 1 = Finn (Ranged) 466 570
// 2 = Nohni (Melee) 466 645
// 3 = Damon (Mage) 466 720

touchPress 0 466 720
sleep #btnDelay
touchPress 0 466 720
sleep #btnDelay
touchPress 0 466 720
sleep #btnDelay
touchPress 0 466 720
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay * 4

#seconds = (#time/1000)%60
#secondsTotal = #time/1000
#minutes = (#time/1000)/60

if #lateRun == 1 and #count < 2
#lastPressWC = #secondsTotal
#lastPressHoM = #secondsTotal
#lastPressDS = #secondsTotal

goto :levelHeroesPressLevelUp

#loopDetectionCount = #loopDetectionCount + 1
if #loopDetectionCount == 50
goto :loopDetected

getColor #color1 475 510
if #color1 == #colorGray
goto :closeMenu

touchDown 1 280 510
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 512
touchMove 1 280 514
touchMove 1 280 516
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 520
touchMove 1 280 540
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 580
touchMove 1 280 600
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 630
touchMove 1 280 670
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 690
touchMove 1 280 700
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 736
touchMove 1 280 738
sleep 20
touchMove 1 280 740
touchMove 1 280 742
sleep 200
touchUp 1
touchPress 1 280 750
#time = #time + 620
goto :levelHeroesPressLevelUp

#pressLevelUpLoopCount = #pressLevelUpLoopCount + 1

touchDown 1 466 720
sleep 42
touchUp 1
sleep 42
touchDown 1 466 700
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 680
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 660
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 640
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 620
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 600
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 580
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 560
sleep 42
touchUp 1
touchDown 1 466 540
sleep 42
touchUp 1

#time = #time + 462

if #pressLevelUpLoopCount < #heroIntensity
goto :levelHeroesPressLevelUp

#pressLevelUpLoopCount = 0
goto :levelHeroesSlideUpCollection

//close stats
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
touchPress 0 #menuCloseX #menuCloseY
sleep #menuSlideDelay
#time = #time + #menuSlideDelay

goto :runActions

// ----------- CHECK BOSS
getColor #color1 139 85

if #color1 == #colorWhite
goto :PressSkills

#color1 = 0
#color2 = 0

getColor #color2 459 29

if #startBossSkill == 2
getColor #color1 108 685
elseif #startBossSkill == 4
getColor #color1 268 685
elseif #startBossSkill == 3
getColor #color1 189 685
elseif #startBossSkill == 5
getColor #color1 348 685
elseif #startBossSkill == 6
getColor #color1 428 685

if #color1 == #colorWhite and #color2 == #colorBlack
goto :startBossWithSkills
elseif #color2 == #colorBlack and #startBossSkill == 0
touchDown 0 390 36
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
touchUp 0
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
elseif #hatchEggs == 1
touchPress 0 30 285
sleep #btnDelay
#time = #time + #btnDelay
goto :PressSkills

touchPress 0 390 36

getColor #color 390 36
if #color == 1204718
touchPress 0 390 36
goto :startBossWithSkills

#time = #time + 400

if #enableClanShip == 1
touchPress 0 65 100
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 100
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 100
sleep #shipDelay
touchPress 0 65 100
sleep #shipDelay
#time = #time + #shipDelay * 4

if #startBossSkill == 2
touchPress 0 120 710
sleep 200
goto :startBossWithSecondarySkill
elseif #startBossSkill == 3
touchPress 0 200 710
sleep 200
goto :startBossWithSecondarySkill
elseif #startBossSkill == 4
touchPress 0 280 710
sleep 200
goto :startBossWithSecondarySkill
elseif #startBossSkill == 5
touchPress 0 360 710
sleep 200
goto :startBossWithSecondarySkill
elseif #startBossSkill == 6
touchPress 0 430 710
sleep 200
goto :startBossWithSecondarySkill

if #startBossSecondarySkill == 2
touchPress 0 120 710
elseif #startBossSecondarySkill == 3
touchPress 0 200 710
elseif #startBossSecondarySkill == 4
touchPress 0 280 710
elseif #startBossSecondarySkill == 5
touchPress 0 360 710
elseif #startBossSecondarySkill == 6
touchPress 0 430 710

#time = #time + 400
goto :PressSkills

// ----------- RANDOM ATTACK

if #enableFairies == 1
rand #randomX 60 415
rand #randomY 160 420
rand #randomX 60 415
rand #randomY 270 420

//equipment stacking
if #equipStack == 1
if #randomX > 280 and #randomX < 430 and #randomY > 300
goto :randomTouch

//prevent hero story window
if #randomY > 184 and #randomY < 233 and #randomX > 403
goto :randomTouch

if #enableTapping == 1
touchDown 0 #randomX #randomY
touchUp 0

if #hitCount > 9 and #agree == 1
#hitCount = 0
touchDown 0 300 630
touchUp 0
touchDown 0 300 630
touchUp 0

if #hitCount > 9 and #decline == 1
#hitCount = 0
touchDown 0 200 630
touchUp 0

sleep 35
#time = #time + #hitDelay

if #agree == 1 or #decline == 1
#hitCount = #hitCount + 1
goto :start

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Old 04/08/2018, 23:22   #920
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Originally Posted by gouran View Post
Hello, any idea how to fix this cript?
pls use the april 8 build
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Old 04/08/2018, 23:52   #921
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Originally Posted by chrisreyn View Post
pls use the april 8 build
I've just downloaded your script from the branch but on 0 and 1 bot is still tapping on the screen, how i can fix it?
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Old 04/09/2018, 00:56   #922
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Originally Posted by chrisreyn View Post
pls use the april 8 build
I used your build and everything works fine and even fixed the colors from your build onto mine but your "LEVEL SKILLS" section is very different from mine, it's pretty hard to make the corrections. Would it be too much to ask to take a look at my section of the script and tell me what's wrong? It doesn't level my skills and goes completely over them, I am guessing the color is wrong or it isn't touchingUp somewhere? I tried to incorporate your changes into mine but it turned into a mess. So I will just post the section I need help fixing with skillCheckStepper.

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Old 04/09/2018, 06:14   #923
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Originally Posted by gouran View Post
I've just downloaded your script from the branch but on 0 and 1 bot is still tapping on the screen, how i can fix it?
Did you set agree/decline also to 0? And I guess fairies to 0 as well

Originally Posted by BestSiteEvar View Post
I used your build and everything works fine and even fixed the colors from your build onto mine but your "LEVEL SKILLS" section is very different from mine, it's pretty hard to make the corrections. Would it be too much to ask to take a look at my section of the script and tell me what's wrong? It doesn't level my skills and goes completely over them, I am guessing the color is wrong or it isn't touchingUp somewhere? I tried to incorporate your changes into mine but it turned into a mess. So I will just post the section I need help fixing with skillCheckStepper.

Honestly, my change to skill level up is highly experimental. What I did was doing a manual record of my taps on the skills and replayed them. Oddly, the manual taps work but the script replay of it didn't. So I checked the recorded script and noticed it used the touchDown and touchUp commands, but since they didn't work, I switched it to a touchPress command and varied a short sleep function in between touchPress (similar to sleeps between the touch Up and Down one's). What resulted/concluded from my small experiment is the uneven/erratic clicking on the skills which worked for me. My friend Tommy also reported it to have worked for him albeit with some other minor disturbances

TL;DR play around with touch up down and press. See what works for you. Don't forget the small sleep functions in between. Android 5 and Hiro aren't as compatible as before hence the hit or miss changes I've done to tapping. Report back your touch configuration and I'll see about similarities I can incorporate
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Old 04/09/2018, 08:17   #924
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i need cs+phom build PLEASE!!!!
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Old 04/09/2018, 09:42   #925
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Originally Posted by maxxering View Post
i need cs+phom build PLEASE!!!!
sorry i dont do requests better wait till i shift to that build or edit your own
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Old 04/09/2018, 11:31   #926
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can u give me script work on nox android 5.1.1 ? i stuck when upgrade hero.
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Old 04/09/2018, 22:14   #927
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Originally Posted by chrisreyn View Post
Did you set agree/decline also to 0? And I guess fairies to 0 as well
I've send u dm with my script, i hope you can help me
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Old 04/10/2018, 10:51   #928
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Originally Posted by chrisreyn View Post
Did you set agree/decline also to 0? And I guess fairies to 0 as well

Honestly, my change to skill level up is highly experimental. What I did was doing a manual record of my taps on the skills and replayed them. Oddly, the manual taps work but the script replay of it didn't. So I checked the recorded script and noticed it used the touchDown and touchUp commands, but since they didn't work, I switched it to a touchPress command and varied a short sleep function in between touchPress (similar to sleeps between the touch Up and Down one's). What resulted/concluded from my small experiment is the uneven/erratic clicking on the skills which worked for me. My friend Tommy also reported it to have worked for him albeit with some other minor disturbances

TL;DR play around with touch up down and press. See what works for you. Don't forget the small sleep functions in between. Android 5 and Hiro aren't as compatible as before hence the hit or miss changes I've done to tapping. Report back your touch configuration and I'll see about similarities I can incorporate
After some time, I was able to incorporate some of your changes into mine but ran into some core problems. The skills don't stop leveling for some reason, I tried setting the settings to ONLY just unlock the skills but the skills just kept getting powered up.
The second problem is after some minor tinkering, I got your script to work perfectly, the skills weren't canceled when the "color was blue" and etc... but for some reason it kept increasing the skill levels in increments of two. Every loop the skill was powered +2. The only way to make your script work in the 'level up skills' was to remove the variable "var #unlocked 0" from the top of my script but removing it DID cause the script to work but it always powered up my skills +2 and canceled any active skills.

P.S. I tried to explain it as best as I could and both scenarios/problems were done WITHOUT the #unlocked variable because that was the only way it would work for some reason, here's the script.

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Old 04/10/2018, 17:17   #929
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well, the current :maxSkill code does state a tap of 5 times total (but only about 3 are registered by Nox) hence the extra skill level ups happening

best bet is to look for your own touchUp/touchDown/touchPress combinations as I have mentioned here
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Old 04/11/2018, 03:22   #930
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can someone PM me link to a working script (or send one to me)
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