11/05/2017 |
18:56 - PradaPrahler mentioned Yea, mache gerade nh VM & mit video aufnahme & poste den Link hier, der keylogger Läuft per CE die intigriert ist in der Exe. Hei Successfully Wofür i... |
18:56 - Deleted Posts |
11/02/2017 |
19:15 - DerMaster2712 mentioned Working @ 16.11.2017(Newest Patch)
How to?
1. Start my Tool
2. Use your BE Bypass
3. Start S4L
- No Slangs
- RandomShop Animation Bypass
- Enchant Animation By... |
06/01/2017 |
17:22 - PradaPrahler mentioned In my opinion it looks like, that this game is very near the end to tilt. So, it is time to open a P-server in my opinion. But as Successfully mentioned it is very difficult to bring n... |
05/05/2017 |
22:28 - Deleted Posts |
19:09 - Deleted Posts |
18:36 - Deleted Posts |
09/24/2016 |
01:51 - SXTN' mentioned Well Successfully a good Programmer made a Hack. unpublic. dont know anything about it but its sick as hell. saw it ingame what he can do with it.
Successfully greetz from p4BLO. |
03/04/2016 |
20:49 - Successfully
Darf ich es in meinen Cheat Table hinzufügen? |
04/16/2018 |
17:37 - Bench quoted Du benutzt Eazfuscator, hast aber kein Problem damit diesen cancer zu zeigen:wat:
if (File.Exists("C:\\AeriaGames\\S4League\\S4EULogin.exe"))
this.vmethod_2().Text = "C:\\AeriaGam... |
11/06/2017 |
15:11 - Xyner quoted People which are using silverhorn got triggered:babyrage:
Its ofc nonsense.
Really then explain why he got banned then or what epvp staff is also using silverhorn tools??? |
11/05/2017 |
21:03 - |
20:46 - PradaPrahler quoted Lesen wäre vielleicht vorteilhaft gewesen. Im Thread steht nämlich, dass ein Bitcoin Miner mit dabei ist.
Naja, nen AutoClose waäre schön, naja aber wofür ist die Unpack datei da? ^... |
11/01/2017 |
17:21 - SilentxNoise quoted You can ignore everything in the spoiler.
it seems more like your problem has nothing to do with my bypass
I understand, it's my bad. I downloaded too many bypasses therefore the... |
10/30/2017 |
21:46 - Roufokwli quoted Instead of posting the mad emoji a thousand times, you may post a screenshot
of your files + task-manager, so i would be able to find out what you did wrong
Bro im really 1hour he... |
10/29/2017 |
16:02 - SilentxNoise quoted!NuRzDDRa!zbnlktjECmc00RPsg8YO53fOrMl7AKT26ngLkJjSGLw!YzAmHT7R!IoZpk4IffbY_00q1PYh-C-l6l0yXi-hD9R39pFLRwn0
And what do I do with these? I already g... |
13:34 - Xyner quoted The community should be grateful that people here are coding and releasing stuff for free in their freetime. Most People just click the download button and many of the programmers dont... |
10/26/2017 |
14:27 - Hallo liebe ElitePvPers Community.
[German] Ansagevideo
Seitdem ich in dieser section hier nicht mehr aktiv bin, fragten mich einige Leute nach den sourcecodes meiner alten proj... |
10/25/2017 |
23:30 - PradaPrahler quoted Naja, viel spass weiterhin meine Projekte zu zerstören!
Das ist nicht korrekt. Das Projekt ist in C#
Das was du gemacht hast ist mir recht egal... |
23:30 - Deleted Posts |
06/27/2017 |
12:24 - Deleted Posts |
06/05/2017 |
14:59 - Deleted Posts |
05/27/2017 |
23:28 - Deleted Posts |
03/11/2017 |
18:23 - Xyner quoted client - nothing more to say, i'm out
Bye and thanks. |
11/16/2016 |
19:09 - Swaight quoted Will take a look if this blacklist comes back online ;)
Blacklist is up again. ;) |
09/19/2016 |
03:04 - quakegold quoted
Treasure verkauft
Open Treasure
Open Treasure
Open Treasure
Open Treasur... |
07/19/2016 |
21:12 - NylleOfficial quoted
Thank, I'll try this. I was sure it was this mistake xD
Edit: It works ! Thank |
07/18/2016 |
12:49 - Deleted Posts |
12:44 - Deleted Posts |