04/11/2020 |
19:38 - Lumi mentioned - Major in post Conqueror FlyFF - PvP Guild War Server! This isn't a discussion forum.
Some of you received some private message. Please check your inbox.
- DK ACE: The thunder attack was effectively. |
05/24/2019 |
15:19 - Thank you for this release ! - DK ACE |
04/28/2018 |
19:24 - Cloud' mentioned - Major in post [Release] Illumine Fly You need to update the worlddialog.dll
how to change the glowing effects for +3-+9 to its normal glow? DK ACE |
19:21 - Deleted Posts |
01:36 - Deleted Posts |
04/27/2018 |
14:50 - Deleted Posts |
04/06/2018 |
19:38 - Little help please! :handsdown: - i tried to leech __HIDE_CS of Illumine Files release by sir DK ACE but look what i got my compile is all 8 succeeded but take a look at the screensho... |
02/25/2018 |
18:38 - Kiseku mentioned - Major in post [Low Rate] Nostalgia Fly DK ACE euer direkt download geht nicht, |
02/15/2018 |
23:13 - -Venom' mentioned - Major in post Flyff P Server erstellen Ah verstehe, cleane bedeutet < funktoniert > ? Verstanden alles klar :D !
Herrn Blouflash hättest du da auch einen Link für mich?
Danke!! Für die ehrlichen Worte :D !
https://www.... |
13:00 - Kiseku mentioned - Major in post Anfängerhilfe Kannst mal DK ACE fragen, er bietet einen Service an (?). Hat mir früher auch mal geholfen - kann man empfehlen. Sonst kannst du mal gentros fragen, er hilft auch gerne anderen Leu... |
10/30/2017 |
15:24 - Deleted Posts |
07/19/2017 |
13:44 - Deleted Posts |
03/28/2017 |
21:35 - Nick mentioned - Major in post [Open Discussion] Improving the Section / Verbesserung der Sektion Hab ich ja bereits erwähnt, ja. Dauert nur etwas da ich neues suchen muss aus den älteren Seiten.
.ACE. wurde diesbezüglich kontaktiert, seiner Aussage nach wird ein Update erfolg... |
01/04/2017 |
17:01 - Deleted Posts |
11/17/2016 |
16:43 - Kiseku mentioned - Major in post Sedrika Files! Bei mir sind alle Links down, egal welchen ich anklicke. Werde immer nur auf die megaupload seite weitergeleitet
Eventuell solltest du nicht Post von 2012 - 2014 nehmen kla das die... |
10/09/2016 |
15:16 - Michi mentioned - Major in post [Help]Sky in A-Tool Hallo banktakung,
ich verlinke dir hier mal zwei User die davon Ahnung haben sollten :)!
.ACE. Reavern
'Dude' |
07/24/2016 |
23:03 - FlyCraft.TobiLap mentioned - Major in post [Resteverkauf]Cards/EQ [Billig][Dumpingpreise] #MentionsNervern:D .ACE. |
13:40 - Lenninger mentioned - Major in post [Release] Armageddon/Ace Files 1.0.4 .ACE.
Kannst du vllt die Files reuploaden? :) |
04/03/2016 |
13:28 - Dundel mentioned - Major in post [Preview]Kleine Flyff Map Danke für das Feedback, .ACE. danke auch fürs einbinden^^
Frostbyte' Keine Ahnung hab die Map nur aus Spaß gemacht und zum testen der Modelle:)
Ich habe die Letzte Map lei... |
02/23/2023 |
17:51 - makvee quoted - Major in post [Help] Blinkwing Check your source where the damage and heal stop the blink and shop and all other...
How to remove the passive heal when you're idle and low life? |
02/17/2023 |
06:38 - siono01 quoted - Major in post The compiled Neuz program is not compatible with Win10 Check if you had merge your resdata and put it in your client.
Thank you for your answer. It doesn't flash back because of a file error. It's not compatible with my system. I can o... |
02/16/2023 |
11:14 - Icetea quoted - Major in post Scoria a new Adventure {Looking for extra DEV} Post it here:
^ this
#closed |
07/29/2022 |
23:31 - RaptoxxD quoted - Major in post Windows 10 und die schöne Taste F10 Virtual-Key-Codes suchst du:
Das hier suchst du in der Source:
0x79 (steht für F10)
DW... |
03/28/2022 |
08:51 - Flogolo quoted - Major in post Looking for Team (Members) | Suche nach Team(mitgliedern) Remove me please: To much requests. I have work. Thanks! :D
#removed by request |
03/15/2022 |
21:43 - Flogolo quoted - Major in post Looking for Team (Members) | Suche nach Team(mitgliedern) I am looking for work as a developer. I have a wide variety of skills and services that I can offer for your server.
Supplying a source VS2022, C++17 - C++20, v15 - v21.2.
So... |
08/16/2021 |
18:43 - Naltalah quoted - Major in post Plasma FlyFF | Mid/Lowrate | Farm & Fun No hate, but ????
This is not a lowrate server :x or its only a joke?
That's about 10 minutes p... |
04/19/2021 |
14:52 - mrsimple1439 quoted - Major in post [Release] Modern Flaris v2 i can sponsor you a virtual machine if you want :D Add me in discord :)
Hello, Good Day sir can i ask your discord ID!
This is my discord id: Banana's#2049 - and i already add you c... |
12:54 - GiftzwergK quoted - Major in post [Release] FlyFF PC v21.2 Official Source Code Tutorial:
- Nehme dir 2 Wochen Urlaub.
- Sag deiner Frau/Freundin sie solle doch bitte ihre Eltern besuchen oder in den Urlaub fahren.
- Kaffee! Am besten verlegs... |
11:37 - mrsimple1439 quoted - Major in post [Release] Modern Flaris v2 ... more the contrast between models and texture :D There are big differences to make a smooth view if you run into the map.
I hope we see more of your maps :)
Kind regards,
- Major aka. DKACE
Thank you sir.
I will post some new of my creation to support this community. And i hope someone will sponsord for a virtual machine so i can test all of my works.... |
11:37 - Deleted Posts |
04/17/2021 |
08:44 - Munu quoted - Major in post World of Warcraft Clients
Perfekt, danke für die schnelle reaktion :D |
09/28/2020 |
16:00 - Longlong07 quoted - Major in post DK ACE V21 Testing Files
Hey guys,
i will release today my v21 testing files without source.
This files are clean. Perfect to test some things like maps, models and more.
... |
08/27/2020 |
15:33 - Deleted Posts |
07/03/2020 |
17:32 - LookAtTheFlower quoted - Major in post DK ACE V21 Testing Files 2020/ 7/ 2 19:18:22
C:\Users\Armag\Desktop\Server\Source\_database\DbManager.cpp, 487 CHARACTER_STR 'S2',@im_idPlayer='0000000' iServerindex='01',@iaccount='admin',@im_szName='69e5f75... |
06/16/2020 |
19:29 - Deleted Posts |
06/06/2020 |
19:34 - Ba$tard quoted - Major in post [Tutorial] Create your FlyFF Patcher with BetaPatchClient. 1.Change it in your source.
2. Copy another button.
Thanks DK ACE, i got it and found a solution for it. :D
What a crap code :wutface: |
05/02/2020 |
17:00 - Ecrypter quoted - Major in post [Release] Ultimate Devil Weapons Black Bloody Weapons :D nice .
i agree with this name Black Bloody Weapons :) |
04/30/2020 |
22:43 - Hyellow quoted - Major in post [Release] Bloody Dragon Can I get a license to release it on dwarpet? And nice work :)
Idk what drawpet is but no problem. |
04/19/2020 |
03:18 - yjbytyx quoted - Major in post DK ACE V21 Testing Files ->
-> Die Texte verschwinden, weil die Übersetztung noch nicht fertig ist. Diese kannst du aber selbst erstellen.
--> Hast du was an der DB Verändert?
... |