L2Walker script: Solo rebuff/restock/return script 08/08/2012 - Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 63 Replies Hello!
I've been reading alot and not really contributing so i'll start off here with a very well working script im using to bot my SK outside ivory tower in oren. I've tried to structure the code so it easily can be modified for another level of character, town, and hunting spot.
The script is made for CT2 Retail, mainly to get advantage of the newbie buffs (which now lasts all the way until level 62)
Change log:
Update 2008-09-01
Version 1.14 -Download
[SCRIPT] PHP SCRIPT von Disconnect ? 10/05/2009 - Metin2 Private Server - 1 Replies Hallo liebe Community,
Ich such das vor knapp einem Monat gepostete PHP Script von Disconnect.
Da das Thema ganz zufällig geschlossen wurde, wollte ich fragen ob mir jemand nur das PHP script geben kann. :rolleyes:
Wäre sehr nice. Ich möchte auch nicht wissen wozu es dient sondern es einfach haben.
Liebe Grüße Ide
Server time script(A very easy java script) 12/22/2008 - CO2 Private Server - 4 Replies Put this in ur body tag
<span id="liveclock" style="position:absolute;Change this to left or right:1;change this to bottom or top:1;"></span>
<script language="JavaScript">