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Server time script(A very easy java script)
Discussion on Server time script(A very easy java script) within the CO2 Private Server forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.
12/21/2008, 21:30
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 35
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Server time script(A very easy java script)
Put this in ur body tag
<span id="liveclock" style="position:absolute;Change this to left or right:1;change this to bottom or top:1;"></span>
<script language="JavaScript">
function show5(){
if (!document.layers&&!document.all&&!document.getEle mentById)
var Digital=new Date()
var hours=Digital.getHours()
var minutes=Digital.getMinutes()
var seconds=Digital.getSeconds()
var dn="PM"
if (hours<12)
if (hours>12)
if (hours==0)
if (minutes<=9)
if (seconds<=9)
//change font size here to your desire
myclock="<b>Current Server Time:</br>"+hours+":"+minutes+":"
+seconds+" "+dn+"</b>"
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all)
else if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("liveclock").innerHTML=myc lock
A thx would be appriciated
12/22/2008, 14:11
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 668
Received Thanks: 160
Lol, looks really nice,
I'f found this :
<div id="time">
<span>Server Time (GMT+1)</span><script language="javascript"><!--
new LiveClock('Verdana','2','white','images/time_bg.gif',' ','','110','0','1','0','0','1');
12/22/2008, 15:00
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 493
Received Thanks: 71
Originally Posted by YukiXian
Lol, looks really nice,
I'f found this :
<div id="time">
<span>Server Time (GMT+1)</span><script language="javascript"><!--
new LiveClock('Verdana','2','white','images/time_bg.gif',' ','','110','0','1','0','0','1');
"Stolen" from the CO website
12/22/2008, 16:53
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 412
Received Thanks: 314
wow thanks guys, it is perfect for putting on a event page or something for when and how late there are server events
12/22/2008, 18:07
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 668
Received Thanks: 160
Originally Posted by Beta Limit
"Stolen" from the CO website
Lol, I'm just saying I found it that way,,,
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