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[Moderator Application] Private Silkroad Section

Discussion on [Moderator Application] Private Silkroad Section within the Joining e*pvp forum part of the General category.

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Arrow [Moderator Application] Private Silkroad Section

Hi, today i'm applying for being a MOD in the Private Silkroad Online forum.

Forum nickname : udaLandiic
Real Name : Eric
Age : 20
Languages : English/French
contact infos : MSN -

Basically , Lets talk about activeness first, i am consider to be one of the Most active user in the Private Silkroad Online. I'm always there to help people with the issues they have.

Why do you want to be a moderator?
I want be a moderator because , i'm active and i know i can help alot of people in there. Who got probs with anything.

Ok why be a mod?.
I know all the rules and regulations, I Help out virtually.. Alot. I really want to help others.

How much experience do you have with the issue of the forum you apply for ?
I have a large experience in that game. i've been playing the real Silkroad Online ( iSro ) from cap 70 - and now i'm playing alot on ZSZC servers. I may be not a coder or w/e. but i know i can help alot. I've did my experimentation, so i know what to do and what not to.

Do you have enough time to visit the board about every two days and to put enough effort into the job?
Yes, about 5hrs a day + ! I'm always looking for question that still unanswered.

Did you regularly take part in the section before you posted your application?

Of course, i'm helping alot of people in the "ask the experts" in the Private Silkroad Online section !
(but as you can see, is not everyone that is familiar with the "thanks" button.)

Are you able to handle questions and questioners of which you think that they are very stupid?
I will answer it even if that is a stupid question.
Cuz everyone asks questions, they could be stupid or intelligent, dumb or nonsensical, wut ever they are they still a question. And all question needs to be answered.

Can you act appropriate/mature with other human beings?
Well, it's not everyone that has the same thoughts about everything. i mean i believe in God? do you ? may be, may be not. That doesn't mean i have to judge you or being disrespectful with you.

Did you ever operate as a moderator before?
No. I never have the chance to. but i'll do that job gladly. and i'm sure i'll be a great one!

Thank you °~

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Old 01/27/2011, 01:22   #2
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This guy is one big joke
lorveth is offline  
Old 01/27/2011, 01:37   #3
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Basically , Lets talk about activeness first, i am consider to be one of the Most active user in the Private Silkroad Online.
This is quite a lie,don't take it to yourself but you aren't most active user in this section.
Just take a look at others,you will find them pretty more active. 928 posts and ONLY 41 thanks proves something.

I have a large experience in that game. i've been playing the real Silkroad Online ( iSro ) from cap 70 - and not i'm playing alot on ZSZC servers. I think i got much more experience than anyone else.
Next mistake. We're all equal,somebody is experienced and somebody not but saying that "you've got bigger experience than anyone else" is a big mistake again. Let's take Windrius,Eckoro,Veteran or Silkbotter as example. They are veterans of the psro section,their knowledge is HUGE.

I know all the rules and regulationos, I Help out virtually.. Alot . I really want to help others.
Really? Your signature shows somethings different.

Anyway,your TBM seems weird.
You have one negative point,I have no idea if you scam someone or a hater gave it,but it's quite bad. Should get explained,don't you think so?

Your application is short,looks like you didn't bother to put some effort in it. I'm not saying that you have to write stories about yourself but some more sentences about yourself would be quite good.

For now I will say NO.
I have nothing against you,but those things mentioned above aren't so good.
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Old 01/27/2011, 02:30   #4
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Your application is short,looks like you didn't bother to put some effort in it. I'm not saying that you have to write stories about yourself but some more sentences about yourself would be quite good.
is yours bigger? i mean c'mon. i'm just going straight to the question instead writing stuff that people doesn't care about.

Anyway,your TBM seems weird.
You have one negative point,I have no idea if you scam someone or a hater gave it,but it's quite bad. Should get explained,don't you think so?
yeah i'll do it np. but first you should have look who gave me it.. that'll have answered your question. Anyway the dude who gave me that negative black market point. did so cuz i reported him for a flamming thread.

This is quite a lie,don't take it to yourself but you aren't most active user in this section.
Just take a look at others,you will find them pretty more active. 928 posts and ONLY 41 thanks proves something.
and ofc, it's not every1 that press thanks.
udaLandiic is offline  
Old 01/27/2011, 13:15   #5
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Your thankscount is to low.
Anfang! is offline  
Old 01/27/2011, 14:47   #6
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pls try again later dude
your thxcount is really to low to be a moderator
i think that was boring time for you and you thought : oh i am boring, but i can make just a moderator application^^
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Old 01/27/2011, 19:40   #7
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thanks and post count doesn't matter that much, but that application -.-

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Old 01/27/2011, 20:34   #8
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Sorry but THAT is really bad. ;o

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Old 01/27/2011, 21:24   #9
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No, mate you're too newbie here...
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Old 01/28/2011, 15:34   #10
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ok thanks guy for ur thoughts. i'll forget it for now i guess.
udaLandiic is offline  

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