This is kind of half ***. The 30 day is a 30 package less the only thing anyone really wants the 10 hour rings.
The server is ran by good staff. But the upper Lv players are complete ********. I am sure more were diddled (Molested) as small children and also abused in school and now they try to make up for it in the game.
Anyways I wanted to save time this time and made the mistake of Buying 2 chars then finding out the loser I bought from wants to stalk me like an exgirlfriend. So rather than argue with him and the Rats in his guild I will just sell and move on. for sale Lv 92 5p warrior, 77Mage 2P and third buff skill is as busted as everything else I bought from life. I also have a Lv 70 warrior and a bunch of little **** chars. Feel free to email me offers at
Ps. Don`t waste time on this 30 day **** they are giving away it is as handicapped as Steven Hawkings