Games such as Myst and Riven are on sale for $2.99 a piece, Rift for $6.79 and many more.
The sales begins today and ends on the 22nd with new sales everyday! So there will be lots of awesome games to buy!
Here is a list of just some of the biggest deals.
-Hunted The Demons Forge $11.99
-Doom 3 $5.99
-Brink $11.99
-Deus Ex Game of the Year $2.79
-Borderlands $9.99
-Skyrim $39.99
-Just Cause 2 $8.99
-Deus Ex Human Revolution $7.49
-Rage $17.99
-Fallout New Vegas $11.99
-Total War Shogun 2 $7.49
If you want to see the list of deals at the moment, click here.
So if you been wanting to buy Skyrim or any other game you have been waiting to drop in price, now's your chance!
Todays list(July 14th 2012)
Game | Discount | Actual |
Dead Island | 66% | $10.19 |
Frozen Synapse | 80% | $4.99 |
Borderlands | 75% | $3.74 |
Indie Bundle III | 75% | $9.99 |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | 50% | $29.79 |
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition | 75% | $4.49 |
Orcs Must Die! | 75% | $3.74 |
Two Worlds II | 75% | $7.49 |
DiRT Showdown | 50% | $24.99 |
Todays Packs Offers
Game | Discount | Actual |
PopCap Complete Pack | 50% | $49.99 |
THQ Collection | 84% | $49.99 |
1C Collection | %85 | $49.99 |
Star Wars Collection | 50% | $49.99 |
2K Collection | 77% | $37.49 |