Does anyone know what I need to run Dueling Network, a browser Based YGO Online TCG Website, correctly?
I do can watch YT on the PS3 though and some other Flashplayers, but some sides just need a different plugin oder whatever, please help me to solve this!
[Guide] 100%+ Dueling. 09/03/2011 - Mabinogi Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 22 Replies I'm tired of people asking me how to do it.
This guide is for people who know how to use rPE, and know how to edit in Hex. I will not tell you how to.
First off, get someone you know very well.
Second, Request a duel with that person.
Third, start recording with rPE.
brauche Hilfe zu Low Level Dueling 09/03/2010 - Diablo 2 - 6 Replies so ich habe mich nun dazu entschlossen einen low pvp char zu machen, entweder level 9 oder 21, nur weis ich nicht welche build am efektiffsten ist, und natürlich weis ich auch das jeder Vor- bzw Nachteile hat, aber da ich von lld noch nicht viel ahnung habe bin ich auf eure hilfe angewiesen.
mit welchen build- eq sollte ich mir einen char anfangen?
thx für hilfe :D
Trick someone into thinking your dueling them 10/14/2006 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 6 Replies This works best for rogues. When the duel starts, wait for the countdown to reach "Duel is starting in 1" then /forfeit. It wont say "XXX has fled from XXX in a duel.". As a rogue, just stay stealthed, get out of range then go on with your buisness.
Super OP Dueling Warlock 03/29/2006 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 0 Replies This is a temporary & very expensive exploit. But if you are a warlock ramping up for a duel for some serious $$ then you may wanna look into this.(Duels on some servers are for hundreds...even thousands)
I discovered this lil glitch while I was experimenting on the test server with warlock builds. Originally I was Soul link build. And with that you have a lil glitch you can do to get a double buff with the MD, by sacrificing your pet & then rezing it with cables, or by having another...
easy ironforge dueling 06/28/2005 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 1 Replies As everyone knows dueling in Iron Forge is impossible. This is because if there wer epoepel duelign everyone would know that the servers would just lag out really badly. Anyway I have found a place where dueling is possible.
By the Mail box outside the bank there is a pillar. If you jump up onto the pillar then edge your way behind it there is a void. You can stand behind there and target peopel and request a duel. You can then either jump down and duel, or stay up there with the person who...