Im Interview mit Masahiro Sakurai, dem Designer hinter Super Smash Bros, kam das Gerücht auf, dass in Zukunft Capcom Charaktere SSB begleiten könnten.
So richtig bestätigt hat er es zwar nicht, allerdings hat er es auch nicht verneint.
“I can’t say that it’s entirely out of the realm of possibility that some Capcom character could appear in the next Smash Bros. The big problem, though, comes from the idea of trying to get characters from a completely different universe to fit with the style that has been dictated by Nintendo’s characters in a fighting game.
“In fact, I actually think it’s a miracle that we got Smash Bros. and all the Nintendo characters to work together in the first place. Especially when you bring Pokemon into the mix and a lot of the complications that are caused by that being an almost completely different entity on its own, it’s really something. So this is something that obviously will come up more as we get started on the new Smash Bros. development, but keeping those things in mind I think is important.”
Wir sind sehr gespannt auf den nächsten Ableger der Serie, der schon immer einer der Top-Titel bei Nintendo war.