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[Help] Guild Director
Discussion on [Help] Guild Director within the CO2 Private Server forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.
12/29/2009, 13:01
elite*gold: 0
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[Help] Guild Director
hello elitepvpers...
i need some hlp in guild director to add/remove enemy guild, ally guild, remove dl how can hlp me? :S
i cant find the packets
12/30/2009, 00:21
elite*gold: 21
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It's not a packet, it's a database thing. (although you would still have to update the client and players around you)
I'd suggest downloading a source that has guilds fully working and use it as an example. I added it to base CoEmu within an hour or two from scratch by using an example one and I'm not exactly the best coder ever lol.
If you want an example, fairly sure someone posted it for 5095 coemu so that would make a great example.
Good luck.
12/30/2009, 02:33
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by ramix
hello elitepvpers...
i need some hlp in guild director to add/remove enemy guild, ally guild, remove dl how can hlp me? :S
i cant find the packets
For what source?
12/30/2009, 03:56
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by ImmuneOne
For what source?
I'm guessing like everyone else he's talking using 5165.
12/30/2009, 12:21
elite*gold: 0
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yes is for 5165 :S sorry i forgot put that
12/30/2009, 14:00
elite*gold: 0
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hmmmmm , i'm pretty sure you can do that IN GAME , if you want to remove the guilds .
open OldCODB -> Guilds.dat , and just remove everything and save ...
if you want to delete EnemyGuild , or if u wanna ally .. go in game . and click on ( Group ) bottom .. and just manage your guild .. it doesnt requires and skills to do that
12/30/2009, 15:40
elite*gold: 0
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the npc not have that do add ally or put enemy guild... i need is hlp to put that in npc...
if you do that clean the guild.dat and save not work -.- the server give erro u need to delete guild.dat to reset the guilds...
if anyone have complete Guild Director can post or can tell me how to do this?
12/30/2009, 15:53
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Sport
hmmmmm , i'm pretty sure you can do that IN GAME , if you want to remove the guilds .
open OldCODB -> Guilds.dat , and just remove everything and save ...
if you want to delete EnemyGuild , or if u wanna ally .. go in game . and click on ( Group ) bottom .. and just manage your guild .. it doesnt requires and skills to do that
That doesn't work.
That will cause your server to note start up.
And allys+enemies aren't added into the source.
12/30/2009, 16:11
elite*gold: 0
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how i can added that to source? :S
12/30/2009, 16:15
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by ramix
how i can added that to source? :S
I wouldn't know.
I haven't looked at guilds really.
But I'm going to check it out today and possibly release allys+enemies.
12/30/2009, 16:24
elite*gold: 0
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really? ty Hepatitis C this will be anwsome
12/30/2009, 19:15
elite*gold: 0
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won't be very hard. all you gotta do (disbanding guild (have the source go into guilds.dat (find your characters guild (check if your leader (disband))));
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