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[QUESTION] Bot lobbies - Methodology

Discussion on [QUESTION] Bot lobbies - Methodology within the Call of Duty forum part of the Popular Games category.

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[QUESTION] Bot lobbies - Methodology

Hi All,

This thread is mainly around the "Bot lobbies" methodology used in PS4.
I've seen many providers, using multiple consoles to host their lobby.

I would like then to get your insights on the methodology.

At the moment I am asking myself these questions :

- Networking: are they using a netduma-like to control the matchmaking?

-Console Control: What about the method? some of the providers use multiple controls + 1 screen grouping 4 consoles. I guess there is no automation to make the process more efficient.

I will really appreciate your help on this topic, if you can bring more information or redirect me to the right resource I would be grateful.
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Old 11/14/2022, 06:55   #2
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Some TVs over screen splitting to broadcast all hdmi ports at once. Definitely need atleast 6 consoles for a 6v6 map 12 controllers for split screen on each consoles. Obviously a script device for each controller so each console afk bot don't get kicked for in activity. In all reality if you invested around 1500 2000 bucks you could easily build a afk lobby service to grind ur own guns and make money. And you would need a vpn for the consoles or net duma would work because you need to switch the servers to countries that are asleep when we are awake to make sure all consoles get in a same lobby. It's a lot of work. You are better off joining a boosting server. Taking turns killing eachother
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Old 11/14/2022, 08:55   #3
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@ - thank you for getting back and all insights shared.

You are right for the ratio Effort x Benefit, the # games per hour is limited. if we take into account matchmaking failures etc..

I was looking at it from an optimization perspective.

I do remember this article about a farm of PS4 operating on FIFA :
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Old 11/14/2022, 21:54   #4

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Originally Posted by Marcrake View Post
any reliable boost lobies that dont cost 6 times the price of the game?

True bot lobbies early on in the release of the game typically run on average 5-10$ per lobby.

As for the original question, they simple queue at the same time and hope to get into a game with their other 6.
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