Detection Alert | BlackCipher Detection Check! 03/08/2013 - Combat Arms - 0 Replies This is a check that has been implemented by Nexon into their BlackCipher system for a few patches now. I think its time attention towards it is brought towards the hack users.
BlackCipher performs a check to see if you have certain web pages open when you are running Combat Arms. It is strongly advised to simply close your web browser while running the game. This should resolve many detection issues.
If you have M*GH open when you start the game, in under 5 minutes (Average) the game...
Exp rate,Penya rate, dropp rate 05/08/2009 - Flyff Private Server - 2 Replies Hab ma ne farge wie änder ich auf meinem pserver die : Penya Rate , Exp Rate,Dropp rate ! Und bei anderen p servern haben die cs sachen bei den npc wie mach ich das? Und suche gute serverfiles! Hab mir son p-server gemacht im tut von mcdragon1 ! Aber da laufen keine mosnter rum das gibst es nix no items niiiiiiixx!