[Release] Cod4/Mw2 Texturen Hack 05/01/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 4 Replies Standard Texture Hack V1.6 for Modern Warfare 2 und AlterIWnet !!
Texture Hack V1.6 by the Texture Hacking Team
oh hey there, you ready? i bet you guys are, we've kept you waiting long enough!
But we are proud to present the newest, improved awsomeley cool texture hack!
I want to start by thanking FLAMESABER for all the good work he has done on the autoinstaller,
and hereby welcome him in the Texture Hacking Team!
Alright! lets get...
[HACK] MW2 | CoD4 | BO [PS3] 04/30/2011 - Call of Duty - 3 Replies Hei,
hat vielleicht jmd. einen Hack wie Aimbot oder so für die PS3 für einen der oben aufgelisteten gameS?
Tausche CoD4 CD Key + Minecraft Premium Acc gg CoD4 Steam 02/04/2011 - Minecraft Trading - 5 Replies Hi Leute, ich habe mir CoD4 gekauft, aber hätte es lieber für Steam.
Deswegen tausche ich meinen CoD4 CD Key + Minecraft Premium Account gegen CoD 4 als Gift bei Steam
Gerne über MM
MFG G4mer4ever
Hack für Cod4 01/30/2011 - Call of Duty - 1 Replies Hallo ich habe mal eine Frage ich habe noch call of duty 4 hier aufn pc.
Gibt es dafür auch aimbot usw.
Wenn ja kann mir den bitte jemand geben.
Und sagen wie es geht hab das noch nie gemacht.
Ich gehe auch davon aus das man bei cod4 ned gesperrt werden kann oder?
[Future-Release] Cod4+Co? :) 07/10/2009 - CO2 PServer Guides & Releases - 9 Replies Have you ever played Call of duty 4? Haha, i'm sure you've played Conquer.
How does a mix of the two sound? Of course, no guns though.
Myself, and a friend are working on his server, being released in the future. Seeing I can't do much because files are on his computer, I help and do w/e I can to help him out. Yesterday we were thinking.. As to add in like a quest, but unlimited times to do it. Add in game types - Team Battle, Free For All, C.T.F., and Cage Battle. To have prizes for...