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elitepvpers spring Event 2023

May 19 - 10:00, by QuzFlips

elitepvpers spring Event 2023

The days are getting longer again, the sun is coming out more and your gaming rooms are starting to heat up. We all know what that means: Get ready to get the fan out of the basement and plug it in. Everything is blooming in many different colors and the first beers (or cokes) have been opened with the friends at the barbecue!

We at elitepvpers also want to celebrate spring and therefore organized an event for you. As always, there are great prizes on the line.

In order to qualify for the prizes you must have completed at least 3 of the 5 tasks. It is completely up to you which of the tasks you complete. Completing all 5 tasks will give you bonus points, so consider this to increase your chances of winning.

You can send in the tasks 1-3 here: Spring Event Tasks
You have to send the solutions for the tasks 4-5 via private message to the official elitepvpers eventbot: Private Message Please use as title: #epvpSpring2023

1. Task
Colors! Colors everywhere!

After the dreary winter landscape of some places it finally becomes colorful in spring! Everywhere flowers and plants bloom in all possible colors and shapes. We want you to take advantage of this.
Go out into nature or your own garden and take a photo with your phone/camera. In addition, grab a small piece of paper or something similar on which the hashtag #epvpSpring is visible. This should also be recognizable in the photo.

2. Task
It is also beautiful here

Going out is not for everyone, but it is also very beautiful in our video games! Game developers are now able to create stunning fantasy worlds in different styles. Vivid worlds full of details, flora and fauna. We, as players, can now travel to a variety of fantastic locations, from majestic mountains to sprawling forests and exotic islands.
Can you already imagine something in front of your eyes? Wonderful! Take a screenshot of your favorite game and show it to us!

3. Task
I write poetry and think... and uh what?

Write us a small poem, the choice of subject is up to you, you should include at least two stanzas.

In the spring, flowers come out,
But I rather care for comfort.
I'd rather stay indoors,
For my only aim is to win.

I plunge into worlds far away,
experience adventures, the sky full of stars.
But as the flowers sprout outside,
New consciences are awakening in me, too.

I play and I dream silently
Of a spring without drill.
But until I fulfill my quest,
nature outside remains untouched.

4. Task
I can see something there

In games, we are used to finding our way around spacious maps full of numerous quests. So why not apply this principle to Elitepvpers? Find the icons in the picture, which are similar to quest markers on an open-world map, and figure out the keyword for us. Have fun puzzling and discovering!

5. Task
I think this word fits here!

Oh no, the words for the crossword puzzle below, which were carefully collected in a thread from the event team got lost! We think they are trying to hide in the forum itself. Maybe they will appear in old News for you? Find and Collect them to help!

1st place
3.000 e*gold
3 months Elite
1 year Premium
50€ Amazon Voucher
2nd place
2.000 e*gold
1 year Premium
25€ Amazon Voucher
3rd place
1.000 e*gold
1 year Premium
25€ Amazon Voucher

All participants who could not receive one of the 3 main prizes,
but have completed at least two tasks,
will receive a small amount of e*gold as a reward.

The event will take place from 19.05.2023 up to and including 02.06.2023.

Please read the Event Rules carefully, disregarding them will lead to disqualification.

Winners will be contacted by us no later than one week after the event ends and announced here in the thread. Please note that the awarding of the prizes may still take place a few days later.

We from the event team wish you all good luck!

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