Hi, i just found a nice macro that i think many of you could need.
It will reset the action bars and remove any spell from it.
(You won't lose your keybindings

/run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor() end
Hi, ich habe gerade ein nettes Makro gefunden dass glaube ich viele von euch brauchen können.
Es entfernt alle Spells aus eurer Aktionsleiste und macht diese leer.
(Keybinds werden nicht reseted!

/run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor() end
Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0Still works in WoD PrePatch 6.0