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[Emu only] 1-70+ in ~5 minutes, Faaaaast Leveling

Discussion on [Emu only] 1-70+ in ~5 minutes, Faaaaast Leveling within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
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Who can tell me step by step how i can lvl from lvl 1-70+. I want to create and undead roque....but dont know hex value for "rude weakening" quest to put on wpe program..who can help me post pls
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Old 03/02/2006, 19:23   #2
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Wtf, i dont understand what you want? ...
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Old 03/02/2006, 20:00   #3
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glaub er meint
er weiß die id vom quest nicht
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Old 03/03/2006, 10:22   #4
elite*gold: 0
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Originally posted by Hrhr-Haha@Mar 2 2006, 19:23
Wtf, i dont understand what you want? ...
I make this steps:

Step 1. Create a character.
Step 2. In the noob zone deathknell find one of the quests that's like "speak with this person"
Step 3. Look up the quest ID via thottbot or allakhazam
Step 4. Open WPE and open wow.exe with it.
Step 5. Go to filters, in slot 15 and 16 type in the hex value of the quest id

My quest is "rude weakening" and id is 6b 01

Step 6. Under the 15 and 16 (in modify) put in: 6b 1e
This is the quest "Rise, Thunderfury!"

Step 7. hit apply and turn the filter on
step 8. talk to the quest guy for the noob quest you looked up. accept "Rise thunderfury".
Step 9. turn off your filter and accept the actual quest
Step 10. run to the guy the noob quest tells you to talk to
Step 11. ***IMPORTANT*** Click the guy and go to the screen that you can hit "Complete" at. If you have to press Continue then do it. **** DO NOT PRESS COMPLETE YET****
Step 12. Turn your filter on. Hit complete. Talk to him again and accept Rise, thunderfury."
Step 13. turn off the filter and get to the complete screen, then turn it on and press complete

I make this steps but i get 1 xp when i complete the q "Rise, Thunderfury" and weapon, i need 1 quest id, with much xp , at horde, who have an id quest with big xp reword?
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