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Warframe Account For Sale Selection of Prime Weapons and Loki Prime + Frost Prime

Discussion on Warframe Account For Sale Selection of Prime Weapons and Loki Prime + Frost Prime within the Warframe Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Warframe Account For Sale Selection of Prime Weapons and Loki Prime + Frost Prime

EDIT: I forgot to add I will take $50 for the whole account OBO first come first served. It also has 75 Plat left on it which of course is free.

Hello, I am selling my Warframe account because I have been forced by the lady to sell my pc and downgrade to a tablet because funds are tight, since I cannot play anymore I am selling my account. I am trying to grab screenshots for it, downloading is slow but I will sort it. For now here is a list of what I know for a fact it has the mastery Rank is between 6-7 if I remember right.

(All of these are built and ready to go and they all have catalysts or reactors installed)

Loki Prime
Frost Prime
Regular Loki
Regular Ash

Boltor Prime
Hikou Prime
Orthos Prime
Lex Prime
Braton Prime
Paris Prime

Carrier (With some skin pack I think it's a robot one) It has a Reactor/Cat too.

There is 2 armor packs bought, Dendra and Edo worth about 10 bucks each. And some Syndana's and prime cosmetics from the void trader.

There could be more, but off the top of my head I cannot remember.

There are of course all the needed mods common and rare alike that you need, dual stats and nightmare mods etc. All the standard loadouts, all the mods to increase Loki's invisibility and all the weapon mods you need guns/melee alike etc. The account is ready to go and destroy whatever you feel like I used to like to solo very long survivals with my loki prime in perma invis.

Included are whatever Kubrows are sat in the freezer most have double mod capacity multiple ones are in there.

Feel free to mail me here or add me on skype "Tetlayy" and we can discuss further.
Didjit is offline  

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