Hi, also Warrior epic ist ein neues mmorpg welches vor allem auf pvp besonders wert legt es gibt.
Könnt euch jetzt zur CB anmelden welche im März losgeht ...
warrior epic 12/21/2009 - General Coding - 13 Replies ich habe versucht mit wpe pro packets von warrior epic abzufangen und zu editieren. das problem ist nur, dass wpe mir weder anzeigt das ich packets sende noch das ich welche empfange. kann mir da wer helfen ?
Warrior Epic 09/18/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 6 Replies Hi ! Does anyone else may Hack?
Warrior Epic 05/31/2009 - User Submitted News - 13 Replies Heres the game download link
http://r.mailforge.orange.fr/r/MFPATC1240907415/f ullclient/WE_GOA_CB.exe*******MF26749_1&cenv=2 6749&ml=ZHVuaGlsbF9wd256QGhvdG1haWwuY29tCg
Its only in beta still but if you got a registered beta account and didn't yet get accepted I think you can still login :D as they dont send confirmation mails only download links they tell you to login with a registered GOA account, so have fun!
(would be nice with a few Thanks dont you think? :D)
WTS lvl 70 Epic Warrior (US) 08/21/2008 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies - He's on a US PvP server with transfer available.
- He's a male tauren warrior.
- Geared in full epic pvp gear. 1/5 season4, 2/5 season3, and 2/5 season1-2. He has mostly guardian and vindicator pieces.
- Account also has a 53 mage and three (hunter/druid/rogue) level 29 pvp twinks.
- Offer me a fair price. No bad offers please.