Selling Eden Account *TOP* 09/09/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 4 Replies Hey guys, selling my Eden freeshard account.
- rr10+
- VIP lifetime.
- Over 1million BPS.
- no ip bans/lifetime bans. acc is open.
Only Paypal. add my ICQ. 232 808 718
sry for my terrible english :rolleyes:
WTS Eden account 05/31/2010 - Trading - 4 Replies WTS 11L1 Eden account with 540k bps / model keys / astral stuff
PM me with offer !
WTS Eden Account 04/14/2010 - Trading - 2 Replies WTS RR9+ Eden account, 8 chars all equipped with eden BP armor and ml10 stuffs.
PM me with offer.
suche eden account 02/06/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies suche eden account mindestens rr10+
bitte mit preisvorstellung
WTB DAOC Eden Account 01/17/2010 - Trading - 2 Replies WTB DAOC Eden account with some RRs on it. please PM me :)