WTS- eden daoc Acc 9l8 05/08/2024 - Trading - 5 Replies Hey guys, i want to sell my lovely eden daoc acc becaus i got no time for it!
Its on it a rr 9l8 whatever char, Got 50k Bps Cash, and like 6 chars fully stuffed.
All i want is some €€€€! ;)
Just tell me
i search a daoc eden account 08/05/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies hi,
i search an account with RR10+
i pay only with paypal.
pls make me offers with price conception.
suche daoc account auf eden 08/02/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies hi,
ich suche ein daoc account auf eden.
rr sollte etwa bei 10l5 liegen.
ich kaufe nur wenn der verkäufer paypal hat.
bitte nur mit preisvorstellung.
WTB DAoC Account on EDEN (before: Genesis) 03/22/2009 - Trading - 0 Replies Hey,
looking for a RR 10+ Account on the new EDEN (they kept the old GENESIS Chars and RR)
I guess a lot of ppl stopped playing there when they changed to EDEN again so I hope you got an Account for me..
I offer Money or if needed Uploaded.to / Rapidshare.com Premium Accounts..
Send me a PM and tell me what you got and what you wanna have for it.. Or send an Email at: [email protected]