- Press L > Codex > Persons of Note. Here you will find what your companions like and dislike. This will make it easier to gain affection with them through out the story.
- Shift Ctrl F = Show fps.
- If you chose the wrong conversation alternative and gained minus affection or good/evil, you can cancel the cinimatic by pressing Escape and do it all over.
- Pressing Ctrl + U twice reloads the UI. Useful when experiencing user interface bugs.
- The daily Space Combat misson gives you a lot of XP and doesn't take you longer than 6 minutes to complete.
- In Illum battlefield there aren't any hostile Npcs. So you can gather nodes which require 290-360 skill quite easy. However, you might encounter players from the opposing faction there. If the opposing faction controls the area, you can take it back yourself and gain a buff that awards you up to 200 extra valor per warzone. You also get valor points and warzone commendations.
- On tatooine, there's a zone called Outlaw's den. 2-5 chests spawn there every 2 hours with 2k credits and 20 mercenary commendations inside. The whole run takes around 5 minutes. There's also a small chance of finding a rare vendor there which sells some rare stuff. VERY profitable with maxed slicing, you can earn 10-50k creds every day.